HCA 13/70 f.418v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.418v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Land it was that were neere soe that the master aforesayd and Company
perceiveing such his unskillfullness in knowledge of the sayd Coast caused two
gunnes to be shott off to envite some pylott aboard to direct them in their
course towards Druntam, but none comeing, and it growing towards night,
was enforced for the more security of the sayd shipp and her company's Lives
to stand off to sea againe till morning, and the sayd Fare then not knowing
the land the master and company were forced the next day to direct and shapeth
sayd shipps course as well as they could towards Druntam by a booke
called a waggoner which they had aboard, and showed how the lande made
towards Druntam aforesayd, which they needed not to have done if the sayd
Fare had bin an experienced pilott in those parts as hee ought (undertaking
the sayd office to have bin and intended him soe to be) by which meanes the sayd shipp arrived at
Druntam at least tenn or twelve dayes after shee might and would in all probability have
arrived there if the sayd Fare had well knowne the way thither as hee
pretended hee did and bin able to give directions for shapeing her voyage thither And further
saving his his subsequent deposicion hee cannot
to these articles depose./

To the 7th and8th articles hee saith that the sayd shipp Angell Gabriell coming
at last meere the River of Druntam the sayd Fare being asked by the sayd master touching knowledge
of that place did not then knowe where the
was now the way into the sayd River (although hee pretended when hee came first
aboard as pilott to know the say River and the places fitt for
anchorage therein) soe that the master and Company perceiving such his
unskillfullness were forced to make use of two men who were neere
them in a Yawle or Fisher boate to be thir pilotts and guides into the sayd
River and shew them convenient place for anchorage therein because
the River being very longe and very deepe of
water and Druntum standing many leagues up the river the same
river afforded very few fitt places for anchorage and the sayd Fare
was soe ignorant of those places fitt for anchorage that because hee
could, the sayd master and (????) came at (Agonesse) that hee might fasten
he sayd ship to a ringe in the rocks at Agonesse which was and is a place
only where Fisher boates used to fasten
and yet soe ignorent hee was that hee knew not the place hee soe named when hee passed
by it, and this was well observed by the sayd Master and this deponent and
all or most of the sayd shipps company And further saving his predeposed and
subsequent deposition hee cannot depose./

To the 9th hee saith the said the sayd shipp in her returne from Druntam arlate
to the Downes met with contrary windes and foule weather which
drive her out of her ordinary course upon the Coast of Holland and
the master then asking him the sayd Fare in the presence of this deponent and those of the
sayd shipps company where the sayd shipp then
was, hee the sayd Fare could not tell, but named places thirty or
forty leagues distant from the place shee then was at which his ignorance
of what places (as this deponent believeth and judgeth) for that the
sayd Fare (as this deponent and the rest of the sayd shipps Company well observed)
was extreame negligent in his dutie of a pylott both outward and homewards