HCA 13/70 f.417r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 417 |
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Karen Gunnell | |
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2014/11/18 |
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shipp being cleere of those sands held on her course towards Druntam aforesayd
and arriving upon the Coast of Norway there made towards shoare and
being come neere shoare the Master asked the sayd Fare what parte of
Norway that was and the sayd Fare could give noe positive answer thereto
but appeared to be altogether ignorant where hee was, and where the River or
harbour of Druntam was, by reason whereof the Master being desyrous to
be informed in what part of Norway hee was, caused two gunns to be shott
off thereby hoping to get some pilott to come from shoare on board the sayd
shipp but none comeing the said Master and Company thought fitt (the night
beginning to drawe on, to stand off to sea againe for the better preservation
of the said shipp and goods and their owne lives, if any foule weather should happen which they would not to have
done if the sayd Fare had bin skillfull and well experienced in the knowledge
of the Coast whereon they were, as a pilott who undertakes the guiding of a
shipp ought to bee.
for that by the sayd Fares unskillfullnesse of the coast and their
putting out to sea by reason thereof, the sayd shipp was forced to drive
to and againe at sea till till morning and make to shoare againe, and the
Master then againe asking the sayd Fare whether hee yet knew the land
they were neere, the sayd Fare made noe positive answer but named
sometymes one place, and somtymes another, soe that the Master
and Company of the sayd shipp perceiving the sayd Fares unskillfullnesse
of the Coast, did shape their course towards Druntam aforesayd as well
as they could guess (they having some knowledge what
course they were to steere to come towards Druntam though they knew not
the land they were then neere) but were as this deponent believeth
then dayes longer ere they could reach Druntam aforesayd then otherwise
they should have bin if the sayd Fare had bin an experienced pilott in those
parts as (undertakeing the sayd voyage) hee ought to have bin And further
saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose.
To the 7th and 8th hee saith that the sayd shipp Angell Gabriell being at length come
before the River of Druntam the sayd Fare did not know where hee was,
and did not confesse and acknowledge soe much in the presence of this deponent and
divers of the sayd shipps company, so that the sayd Master seeing
his unskillfullness, was forced to hyre two men out of a yawle or fisherboate
which was neere hand to pilott the sayd shipp into the river of Druntam
and use their assistance to finde out convenient place of anchoring
in the sayd river, (the same by reason of the great depth of water therein
affording few places of anchoring and the sayd Fare being as plainely appeared
by his answer to answeres to the master who asked him where the sayd anchoring places were
utterly ignorant of thoses place. And further to the article hee cannot depose saving hee
saith the River of Druntam is a large River many leagues from