HCA 13/70 f.413r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.413r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


domingo's Correspondent there and for the said domingos accompt,
whereupon the said domingo vaz Britto caused the said shipp to be assured
in her said Voiage by severall English Merchants, videlicet Peter Bulteel
who assured for 150 li James Oyles, who assured for 100 li John Nicholas
who assured for 100 li Giffard Bale for 100 li and ffrancis Sayon for
50 li which assurances were doe duely passed upon the 231th of August 1653
And saith tha the said domnigo vas Britto his said shipp being bound
upon another Voiage to Sea from the Terreraes to the Madera Islands
and from thence againe to the Terrera's, hee the said domingo in the
moneth of January 1654. last past caused the same to bee assured by sewerall
Merchants of London in sewerall summes videlicet by Gifford Bale 100 li
John Sweeting 100 li Thomas Roberts 50 li Christopher Willoughby 50 li
and Thomas Rastell 50 li policies of assurances for all which summes were
duely drawne firmed and executed to the purpose therein expressed, all
which this rendent hath well seene and observed, and by the said
domingo's order and direction this rendent duely paid and satisfied the
sewerall praemiums payable upon the said assurances respectively to the
respective Ensurers and this rendent did
cause the said Assurances to be drawne and firmed. And further
cannot depose:-/

To the 5th hee saith, That the said shipp came last before her late
seizure from the Terrera Islands bound for Lisbone, and that in her
Course thitherwards shee was seized and taken by a Zealander shipp
which carried her to Zeeland, where the Master and Companie of
the said Vessell were alsoe carried, and saith shee now remaineth in Zeeland
in the hands of the said seizors as this rendent, by a letter of advise of
the 10th of this instant June new style sent from Amsterdam to the said domingo vaz [?da]
Britto and perused by this rendent, hath well seene and observed. And
further cannot depose:-

Manoel Pexeyra [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 13th day of June .1655:- [CENTRE HEADING]

John harbyn for Tobaccoe in the}
Crowned Oxe}

Examined upon the said Allegation:-


Joseph Harbyn of the parish of Saint Laurence
Pountney Cashe-Keeper to the said John harbyn
aged 19. yeares or thereabouts. a Wittnesse sworne
and examined saith as followeth vicelicet

To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That the arlate John
harbyn the producent in this Cause did upon the 26th day of October last
past write from this City of London and give order to one Mr William
Carey an English Merchant resident at Bourdeaux to provide and lade
for his the said harbyns accompt a parcell of ffrench Tobaccoe, and the
same to lade in some fflemmish Vessell bound for Morlaix, and to
consigne the same to Mr James Churchey and Nicholas Sanders
his the said harbyns Correspondents there, and for his accompt