HCA 13/70 f.387v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 387 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/20 |
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further deposeth that he the deponent was presente about a
fortnight after the premisses predeposed of by him, at the
unlading or putting on shoare of certaine packs of Linnen cloth
out of a Lighter at Ralphs key, which she tooke from
aboard a hamborough shipp, and that the said packs of
Linnencloth came dropping wett out of the said Lighter that
brought them, and that therupon this deponent sayd that
he did beleive that that Lighter was the sae Lighter out of
which he this deponent had delivered goods of or belonging unto
Mr Slany (meanng the Raysins Solis predeposed of) that
had received dammage by being wett, And further he saith he
cannot depose/
To the rest he is not examined by order of the producents.
To the Interrogatoryes.
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he cometh to testify
the cause at the procurement of Mr Slany one of the
producents, and that he hath noe share or interest in the goods
damnifyed, and that therfore it wilbee neither proffitt nor preiudice
to him this Rendent which syde soever prevayle And to the rest
he answereth negatively.
To the second, third and fourth Interrogatoryes he saith he cannot
To the fifth Interrogatory he answereth that the persons who begann
to unlade the goods interrate were Portersm and that the Owners
of the sayd goods did (as he beleiveth) pay themf for their paines
And further he cannot answeare./
To the sixth Interrogatory he cannot answeare./
To the seaventh Interrogatory he saith that the Surveyoor of the
Customehouse did view the damage of the said goods and did
make Certificat therof And further he cannot answeare.
To the 8th and 9th Interrogatoryes he cannot answeare./
Repeated before doctor Godolphin./.
Nathaniel Browning [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 26th of June 1655:- [CENTRE HEADING]
Concerning three Cerons of Cutchineele claymed by}
Jaspar Lorenzo, seized in the shipp the Salvadore}
Christian Cloppenburgh Master Budd}
Examined upon Interrogatories ministred
on the behalf of his highnesse
dt. Rowe:-/.
vide Lib [?X ?X]:-
Christian Cloppenburgh of hamborough Mariner
Master of the shipp the Salvadore aged 44. yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined saith as
followeth videlicet:-/
To the first hee saith, hee this rendent was Master of and aboard the
said shipp Salvadore at the time of her seizure by the shipps of this
Commonwealth, and hath belonged to her ever since her originall
building at hamburgh in the yeare 1647. hee saith he this rendent
is a hamburgher borne, and there hath had his education and
settled place of residence ever since hee was borne, And saith hee
hath no manner of relation to the partie clayming nor interest in the
interrate Cuchineele now claymed./
To the seecond hee answereth and saith, hee knoweth not any thing of
the buying or paying for the Cutchineale interrate./
To the third hee saith, hee hath knowne the interrate fferdinand[?o GUTTER]
[?Nunes GUTTER]