HCA 13/70 f.367v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.367v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


built originally at Sardam in holland, by direction and order of the
said daniel Thyson given to her late Master Anthony Cornelison
and that for the proper accompt of the said Thyson, And saith, That whilest
this rendent sailed and served in and aboard the said shipp, which
was for 5. severall Voiages, the said Anthony Cornelison as Master of the
said shipp did constantly for and on the behalfe of the said sole
Proprietor fitt and furnish out the said shipp to sea, and so much the
said Master often expressed in the presence and hearing of this rendent and
others, and further saith the said Master did for the said Voiages upon the said
shipps arrivall at her port of discharge pay and satisfie both to this
rendent and others of the said shipps Companie their severall
wages due for the same, and that for and upon the accompt of their
said employer daniel Thyson, as hee then also expressed. And
otherwise then negatively hee cannot durther depose:-/

To the third hee saith hee knoweth not what moneys were paid for
the said shipps, nor by or to whom where or when, not being present
at the payment of any such money or delaie of the said shipp. And further cannot answer:

To the 4th hee saith, hee hath never heard of any such transport as
is interrate, And otherwise upon his oath, saith, hee knoweth not
otherwise, then that the said Anthony Cornelison did by the order
of the said daniel Thyson fitt and furnish out the said Vessell
upon the Voiage in Controversie:-/

To the 5th hee saith, the said Anthony Cornelisson was and
continues Master of the said shipp ever since shee was built
as aforesaid till the time of her said seizure, And otherwise
knoweth nothing saving his foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth

To the 6th hee saith, That the said shipp did as aforesaid belong
originally to the said producent then a Burgher of Tervier in
Zealand, but hee since in September 1651 being abdicated and exiles
as aforesaid, and remaining under the protection of the king of Spaine
before and since the moneth of Aprill 1652:- the propriety of
the said shipp did remaine invested in him the said daniel Thyson under that
Notion, and that shee now really belongeth or ought to belong to him as
an Oostender and subject of the king of Spaine, and otherwise
saving his foregoeing depositions hee cannot answer, saving the said shipp
in the Voiage in Controversie was designed to come for Middleburgh

To the 7th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, And saith
hee was not present at the buying of the goods in Controversie

To the 8th hee saith, the said wines were brought aboard the said
shipp from Mallega, by the said shipps Companie in their boate
but the said syrrops came aboard in a barke, and were sent aboard
by the said ffactors videlicet david Brand[?er] then liveing at Mallega
and Joachim Allers then alsoe living at Mallega, and saith that
one of them was commonly accompted a hamburgher, and the