HCA 13/70 f.366v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.366v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


since the yeare 1650 last past, at which time the arlate
daniel Thyson then a Burgher of Tervier aforesayd, but since
Burgher of Ostend in fflanders was well knowne and generally and
commonly reputed to be the true lawfull and sole Owner and Proprietor
of the said shipp and of her tackle apparrell and furniture, The
premisses hee knoweth and is well assured of, for that hee this deponent
is a Native and inhabitant of Tervier, and hath served in and
aboard that shipp five severall Voiages into ffrance and Spaine the
first whereof was in the yeare of the said shipps first and originall
building, and by meanes of such his long serving aboard and relating to
her hee is fully convinced of the Propriety predeposed. And
further to this Article hee saith hee cannot depose:-/

To the second Article hee saith and deposeth, That in or about the
moneths of September and October in the yeare 1652 arlate the
arlate daniel Thyssen by his Correspondents david Brandes and
Joachim Alerts then residing at Mallega in Spaine did cause to be
laden and putt aboard his said shipp the Goulden falcon at or neere
Mallega aforesaid twenty pipes of Mallega wines, and about
one hundred wight and fiftie quarteeles of syrrupp (but how they
were marked hee now remembreth not) to be transported from thence
in the said shipp for and upon the proper accompt and adventure of
him the said daniel Thyssen, and that the said goods were the provenue
or proceed of severall goods wares, and Merchandizes which the said
producent had in the yeares 1650. and 1651. or thereabouts sent and
caused to be transported in his said shipp for and upon his accompt to
Mallega aforesaid, videlicet at one time a lading of wheat, and at
one other time a good quantitie of spicerye videlicet pepper and cinnamon
and some Norway balks and deales, and thirdly the freight of a
lading of corne transported in the said shipp from Bayonne to
Mallega, all which goods and effects did of this deponents knowledge come
to the hands and administration of the abovesaid factors for that this deponent
in all those Voiages being and serving aboard the said shipp well
saw and observed the same, and at the time of the lading of the goods
in Controversie heard and observed the said
Anthony Cornelison say and declare severall times that the said
goods were the proceed of th goods predeposed, and were and went
for the sole and proper accompt of the said daniel Thysen, or
words to that effect. And further saving his subsequent deposition
hee saith hee cannot depose:-/

To the third hee saith, That the arlate daniel Thysen was and is
at present a Burgher of Ostend in fflanders and a Subject of the
king of Spaine, and there inhabiteth with his wife and family where this deponent lately saw them
and saith hee the said daniel retired first from Tervier to Ostend
in the yeare 1651. and there according to generall report became
Burgher in the yeare 1652. in or about the moneth of October