HCA 13/70 f.344v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 344 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/07 |
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Rp. 2.
William Compton of the parish of Saint Giles Cripplegate
London Mariner, aged 35 yeares or thereabouts sworne and
To the first Interrogatorie hee deposeth and saith that hee was Steward
of the said shipp the Anne Pinke at the time of her casting away
hereafter mentioned, and had soe bin about eleaven weekes, comming first
aboard her at Bristoll, upon her outward proceeding thence on the sayd
voyage wherein shee was lost, and that hee was hired and shipped by
hugh Jones her master. And saith hee hath knowne the said shipp about
foure yeares last past. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving that
shee soe proceeded from Bristoll on or about the seaventh day of
November last past.
To the second and third Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that
the said Mr Jones was an eighth part owner (as himselfe affirmed) of
the said vessell at the time of her said proceeding and of her casting away
And that one Mr Tomlin was another part owner, and saith shee
was of the burthen of ninetie tonnes or thereabouts, and that the said
Jones was master of her at the time of her proceeding from Bristoll
and casting away, at which time of her departure from Bristoll shee
was laden withwett or [?redd] fish, which shee carried to and delivered
at Lisbone, where shee tooke in caske to goe to Pharo to receive
oiles for Bristoll, about 50 tonnes of which caskes were filled with water
for Ballast, and alsoe there was a parcell of clapboard
amounting to about foure or five hundred, and 23 Rolls of tobaccoe
received aboard her at Lisbone, with which said caske, clapboard and
tobaccoe, shee sett saile and departed from Lisbone on or about the
fifteenth of January last, intending for Pharo to receive her said
lading of oiles: but in her course of proceeding shee as surprized
with a very violent storme and stresse of weather, which continued
three dayes and three nights, and put her by her said intended
port upon the coast of Spaine where after much striving and
labour of the said master and company for the preservation of the shipp
and goods and their owne lives, shee was at length namely at
or about the foure and twentieth day of the said moneth of January
by the fury of the said storme forced ashore betwixt Cales and Saint
Lucars and more particularly betwixt Chippione and Rota
and there bilged and cast away of this deponents sight and knowledge,
but the said clapboard, tobaccoes and caske were as hee hath heard saved and carried to the
possession of the English Consull at Saint Lucars. And saith the said
and stresse of weather as aforesaid, and not by any insufficiencie
or leakinesse of her. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
Repeated with his precontest before Collonel Cock.
the marke of the said
William WC Compton [MARKE, RH SIDE]
shipp was a tight and staunch shipp, and cast away by the force