HCA 13/70 f.335r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 335 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/12/08 |
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The 12th of June 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
On the behalfe of the said May and}
[?XXXXfeild] touching the death of}
Richard dorrington.}
Richard Barker of London Merchant, aged 38
yeares or thereabouts sworne before the said
right worshipfull doctor Clarke, saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet:
That in or about the moneth of August 1652 hee this deponent being at
Porta vedra received a letter from Mr Richard dorrington from Viego advising
this deponent that the shipp called Your Servant (whereof Robert
davies was master and whereof hee the said Richard dorrington was
Merchant) comming from the Westerne Ilands, bound for Portugall
there to discharge, and comming off Penarch on the coast of Portugall
was mett with and seized by an [?Coast] [?and] man of warr and brought up to
Viego in Gallicea, where hee the said Mr dorrington was turned ashore
And thereupon this deponent went from Porta vedra to Viego to
the said Mr dorrington to give him assistance in his businesse. And
this deponent well knoweth that from that time, the said Richard
dorrington was and remained at Porta
Vedra and Viego and foing to and from those places about prosecuting
the matter of recoverie of the said shipp and lading, untill the moneth
of March 1653 newe stile, at which time the said Mr dorrington
fell sick of a Calenture at Porta Vedra in the house of Mr
Samuell Travers English merchant, where the said Mr dorrington
(after about tenn or twelve dayes sicknesse (in which this deponent
severall times visited him) departed this life. And this deponent
after such his departure sawe and viewed his dead corps in the
roome of the said Mr Travers his house where the said Mr
dorrington died, and accompanied the same to funerall, which
happened the next day after such his death. And saith the
said Mr dorrington being a Protestant, and it not being there
permitted to bury Protestants in the church or churchyard, his
said corps was carried to and interred in the Lemmon garden of
the said Mr Travers without the towne of Porta Vedra of this deponents
soght and knowledge in the said moneth of March 1653 new stile
Richard Barker [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]