HCA 13/70 f.326r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.326r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


other good dennage, and all meanes used by the arlate Case and
Company which was fitting for the preservation of the sayd ladeing from damage in its passage
from Scanderoone to London (the port assigned for unladeing thereof) but saith that in the sayd
shipps passage betwixt Scanderoone and London there happened two very violent stormes the
one about the twelfth of January 1654 when the sayd shipp was in a bout thirty eight
degrees and a haf latitude, and the winde blowing then West North West which storme was
soe violent that the Master and Company of the sayd shipp were forced in order to the better
preservation of the sayd shipp and goods and their owne lives for about three dayes space to leave only a peece of the Mizen
sayle of the sayd shipp out (the violence of the storme rendering it not safe to leave mor
sayle) and the other storme happened the winde being South East and by south
about the 13th of Aprill last the sayd shipp being then in the latitude of forty
nyne degrees or thereabouts which storme continued the space of fower and twenty howers
and bette, by meanes of which two stormes the sayd shipp tooke in very much water
the sea working over her decks and sides with such violence that the sayd shipp
was in great danger to be cast away and her Master and Company drowned, And saith that
whatsoever damage is happened to the sayd shipps ladeing was not by any
fault or defect of the sayd shipp, or want of stowage, or neglect of the sayd shipps
company, but meerely by the violence of the seas workeing over the side and decks of
the sayd shipp in the sayd storme, the premisses hee deposeth of his certaine knowledge
being Masters mate aboard the sayd shipp during the sayd voyage and seeing all things
done and happen as aforesayd, and well lnowing the sayd shipp is still a tight and
stronge shipp fitt for merchandizing imployment And further hee cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

Repeated before doctor Clarke



The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation


Isaack Allburie of dover in the County of Kent Shipp=
wright aged 42 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee was at London
shipped on board the arlate shipp hopewell to goe and did from thnce goe in her the
whole voyage in question and thereby well knoweth that at her setting forth shee was
a new and a stronge stanch shipp and soe continued during her being at Scanderoone and
at her returne from thence to London, and is still a stronge and stanch shipp and fitt
to receive and carrie Merchants goods the premisses hee the better knoweth goeing
Carpenter of her the voyage in question And further saving his subsequent deposition
hee cannot depose./

To the second and third articles of the sayd allegation hee saith the sayd shipp did
at Scanderoone take in severall goods and merchandizes to transport them thence
to London (which goods were well stowed upon good and sufficient dennage by
the order of the arlate George Case, and all meanes fitting were used by him and his shipps
Company for preservation of the sayd ladeing, this hee knoweth for that hee helped to
stowe the sayd goods, and sawe that they were layd upon good dennage, And saith that
in the sayd shipps passage from Scanderoone to London shee mett with two very
violent stormes the first in the moneth of January 1654 the winde being West north
West and the violence of that storme was such that the master was forced for the better
preservation of the sayd shipp and her ladeing and his and his companyes lives to laye the sayd
shipp a trye and beare only halfe the mizen sayles for the space
of about three dayes togeather, and the sayd second storme happened about the 13th