HCA 13/70 f.313v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 313 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/13 |
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controverted happened was an open lyter and hee knoweth shee was
but about halfe laden with goods from a board the shipp Smirna ffactor
for that upon the tuesday a bout noone hee sawe her arrive and come to Galley
Key with about only fifty baggs of Cotton wooll and Camells or goates heire
and hee alsoe knoweth the sayd open lyter at the tyme shee went to fetch
her sayd ladeing from aboard the sayd Smyrna ffactor which was upon a Satterday was then a very
tight stronge and stanch lyter and had bin newly graved but a little before
and had upon the ffriday night the day next before such her goeing to be laden by
the sayd Smirna ffactor, carried a ladeing of salte (a thinge very subiect to
be much damnified by any wett) and had delivered the same safe and well
conditioned And alsoe saith that hee well knoweth the arlate Captaine
hudson did not hyre the cloase lyter in the seaventh article mentioned of
the arlate Boulton, and that the same was not imployed by the sayd Bolton
or the arlate Mills who have neither of them any interest therein, for
that the sayd Captaine hudson upon Monday night next following the Satterday
predeposed of seeing the same cloase lyter lye at Galley Key asked this deponent
whose lyter it was and this deponent told him it was one Mr Ambrose
Pomeroyes and the sayd Hudson then asked this deponent whether hee knew where
the sayd Pomeroy were and this deponent replyed hee thought hee was then
in Chesters Key whereupon the sayd hudson told this deponent
that hee had a desyre to speake with the sayd Pomeroy and this deponent at
hudsons request went two severall tymes to desyre the sayd Pomeroy to come
to the sayd hudson who at the second tyme came and being come the sayd hudson
in this deponents presence and hearing hyred of the sayd Pomeroy the sayd Cloase
Lyter and agreed to give him two pence a bayle for [?fine] goods for as much
as hee could bring (being the ordinary rate allowed by Merchants) and if hee
were delayed and hindered above two dayes (wherof that Monday to be one) in
ladeing and delivery out of the goods then to give him seaven shillings a day
demorage for all the tyme hee should be hindered therein above the sayd
two dayes, which bargaine the sayd Pomeroy accepted and about Noone
that Monday departed towards the Smirna ffactor to take in the sayd goods
and the sayd Hudson in this deponents presence sayd that his the sayd Hudsons
man should goe downe in the lyter with the sayd Pomeroys lyterman and that hee had given his
sayd man direction to give order to his the sayd hudsons Mate forthwith to lade
the sayd cloase lyter whatsoever else hee left undone that shee might
come up to Galley Key the next tyde and this deponent sawe the sayd
Hudsons man depart in the sayd Cloase lyter, and knoweth shee was
forthwith laded for that hee sawe her retourne the next morning
being Tuesday laden to Galley Key And hee alsoe saith that in
case the open lyter in the tenth article mentioned had bin fully laden
to have come away with the same tyde the sayd cloase lyetr did hee beleeveth shee
would alsoe have brought her ladeing to Galley Key at the same tyme