HCA 13/70 f.295v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 295 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/02/03 |
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To the 15th Interrogatorie hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing
depositions to the 12th article of the said Allegation And otherwise cannot
To the 16th hee cannot depose.
To the 17th Interrogatorie hee cannot depose not being present when the
survey of the ship interrogated was made.
To the 18th Interrogatorie hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing
deposition to the 15th article of the said Allegation And further cannot depose.
To the 19th hee saith hee neither knoweth or remembreth of the order
interrogated, nor to what effect the same was or by whom or when
granted And further cannot depose./
Repeated before doctor Clerke./
ffrancis Burton [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 12th day of March 1654../ [CENTRE HEADING]
Wainwright and Jeffyes against}
the Lord Protector. Smith Bud.}
Examined upon the first Allegation in this Cause given
by Smith.
Edward Haver of the parishe of Saint Margaret
Loathbury London Cittizen and draper of London aged
30 yeares or thereabouts a witnesse sworne and
Examined deposeth.
To the first second third fourth and 5th articles of the said
Allegation hee referreth him selfe to his followeing deposition And otherwise
cannot depose.
To the 6. 7. nd eighth articles of the said Allegation hee saith and
deposeth That the producents James Wainwright and John
Jeffries and company haveing bought a quantity of Tobaccoes
of the Collectors for dutch prize goods which in the yeare 1652 were
and jad bin taken and broughtinto the Port and Harbour of
Portsmouth did of this deponents knowledge cause the same to
bee laden and put a board a vessell to bee brought from thence
to London (which said vessell as shee lay with the said Tobaccoes on
bord her under the stay and seizure of the Commissioners for Customes was in or
about the middle of the moneth of January 1652 as this
deponent remembreth by stresse of weather with the sa said Tobaccoes
on bord her oversett and suncke in the said Harbour
by which meanes the one halfe part of the said Tobaccoes were
very much damnified and wette and even quite spoyled which losse hee saith [?was ?worth ?the]
vallewe of eleaven hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts
as this deponent perceived when the said Tobaccoes at the Cost
and great charges of the producents were taken out of the said shippe
at which tyme this deponent was present at Portsmouth and by
diverse people and persons of good judgement and reputation then and