HCA 13/70 f.292v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.292v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that upon
the tenth day of June 1654 or thereabouts the sayd Thomas Smith and this
deponent arrived safely in the shipp the hopewell at Boston in New England and on the
same day of their arrivall there the sayd Thomas Smith and this deponent and James Ga[?rrett]
the Commander of the hopewell did all three of them togeather repayre unto the arlate
Robert Sedgwick and John Leverett and then and there the sayd Thomas Smith delivered
to the sayd Robert Sedgwick a letter directed to the saud Sedwick and John Leavrett sent from the arlate Arnold and Elias Beake
and Company (which letter this deponent hath read and perused)
wherein the sayd Arnold and Elias Beake and Company did certifie the sayd Sedgewick
and Leveret touching their propriety in the sayd shipp Saint John Baptiste and her ladeing
and that they had sent the bearer thereof (videlicet Thomas Smith aforesayd) to give them the
sayd Sedgewick and Leveret notice thereof, and to demande restitution
of the sayd shipp and goods in their names, or to that effect And the sayd Thomas Smith
did accordingly in the presence of this deponent and the sayd James Garrett
shew unto the sayd Sedgewick and Leveret the coppees of the fepositions, and affidavitts
attested as aforesayd and the sayde Sedgewick and Leveret did read and peruse the
same and they having soe read and perused them the sayd Smith alsoe shewed them
the sayd Sedgewick and Leveret his authority grannted unto him from the sayd Arnold
and Elias Beake and Company for makeing demands of the says shipp and her ladeing
and did according to his sayd authority demand of the sayd Sedgewick and Leveret
that they would surrender and deliver up the sayd shipp Saint John Baptist and her lading
by them seized to him the sayd Smith for the use of the sayd Beakes and Company
that hee the sayd Smith might make the best profitt hee could therof
for the sayd Arnold and Elias Beake and Company and imploye the proceede of her and
ladeing back againe to England to avoide damage therein as much as might be [?XXX] the said Smith well knowing (for that
hee overtooke and sawe her at sea in his voyage to New England) that shee was not
then arrived with her ladeing at New England) whereto they the sayd Sedgwick
and Leveret replyed and sayd they would not deliver the same, but being further [?and other ?XXX]
earnestly importuned in the presence of this deponent and the sayd Garrett before the arrivall of the sayd shipp and her ladeing at Boston in New England by the sayd Smith to the same effect as before
and he declaring unto him that if they the sayd Sedewick and Leveret did persiste
in their refusall the longer they deteyned the sayd shipp and her ladeing the greater
damage would fall upon them the sayd Sedgewick and Leveret in the conclusion of
the busines, they the sayd Sedgewick and Leveret then sayd they would take a tyme
to consider of the sayd Smiths desyre and the examinations [?XXXXX] [?perused] as aforesayd and would give a speedy answere thereto or to that effect
the premisses hee deposeth being an eye and eare witnes (togeather with the sayd
Garrett) of the same And further saving his subsequent depositions hee
cannot depose./

To the third article of the sayd allegation hee saith the shipp Saint John Baptist
arlate with her ladeing was mnot brought into the ort of Boston arlate when the
demands aforesayd were made but was brought in thither by those entrusted with
her by the sayd Sedgewick and Leveret upon the three and twentith day of June 1654
or thereabouts before which tyme the sayd Smith had in the presence of this deponent
and the sayd Garrett acquainted the sayd Sedgewick and Leveret with the interest of the
sayd Arnold and Elias Beake and Company in the sayd shipp and goods and desyred restitution
of them as aforesayd and the sayd Sedgewick and Leveret had
returned answere as is predeposed And hee saith that upon the day after the sayd shipps
arrivall at Boston ther sayd Smith did againe in the presence of this deponent (and as hee
remembreth and beleeveth of the sayd Garrett) againe demande of the sayd Sedgewick and Leveret