HCA 13/70 f.288r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 288 |
Side | Recto |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/28 |
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Allegation was after the lading of the goods predeposed in and aboard the shipp aforesaid
sent from Portsmouth by the said hugh Salsbury to the said Producent, the same
being as hee is in conscience convinced and assured one of the Originall bills of
lading for the receipt of the said goods firmed by Peter de La Sale
Master of the said shipp the Saint Peter, the said bill of lading being one of
the bills of lading sent by the said producent to his said Correspondent Salsbury
to be firmed by the said Master, and being here at London filled up with the
proper handwriting of Jacob Lucy brither to the said producent, with whose
handwriting this deponent is very well and presently acquainted by meanes of his
relation and imployment as aforesaid. And further cannot depose
To the 5th article hee saith, That after the said Vessell the Saint Peter arrived at
Saint Sebastians, the said Water Adams factor and Correspondent to and of
the said producent, sent a letter of advise to the said producent together with
a Certificate from the said master importing that the said shipp with the
goods aforesaid being in her Course from Portsmouth for Saint Sebastians was
at sea surprized by an English man of warr, and that the Commander and
Company of the said man of warr had violently and forcibly taken out of
the said shipp the said perpetuanae's and baies; Upon the receipt of which said
letter of advise and Certificate the said producent sent letters to sewerall of his Correspondents
in the West of England desireing them to use their best endeavours to discover whether
any such goods were brought up to any of those ports or places, and shortly after hee
the said producent received intelligence from Andrew Jennings his Correspondent
at Penryn in Cornewall, That sewerall goods of the like nature were brought up
intoCornewall by a private man of warr sett out and imployed by Peter
Ceely and Alexander Penhallocke who had each of them 1/3 parts of the said
goods, and that the rest were disposed of amongst the said man of warrs
Companie; And saith That by another letter of advise from William Jennings
of Plymouth the said producents Correspondent, the said Luke Lucy received
information, that upon Discourse between the said Peter Ceely and the said William
Jennings, hee the said Peter Ceely acknowedged that the said perpetuanas
taken away by the said man of warr were all in safe Custodie, The premisses
this deponent well knoweth, as being in the Condition predeposed privie to and
particularly well acquainted with the transactions and having seene and perused
the letters and writings to the effect predeposed And further cannot depose./
To the 6th article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That the said three
bales of perpetuanaes and two bales of minnekin bayes were at the time
of their lading aforesaid worth the summe of Two hundred Twenty eight
pounds twelve shilings and six pence sterling money, and so much the said
goods with all their incident Charges before her lading thereof, did cost the said
producent as this deponent hath observed out of the bookes of accompts of the said
producent, and this deponent verily beleeveth, That if the said goods had safely arrived
at Saint Sebastians, as the said shipp the Peter afterwards did, and had been there sold
and deposed of to the Owners best advantage, they might have produced about
one hundred pounds benefitt to the said producent, by reason, that the warr then
being betwixt the English and dutche Commodities of that quality were very
rare and bore a very high price at Saint Sebastians, as was then well knowne
and observed by Merchants/ And further cannot depose./
To the 7th