HCA 13/70 f.27v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.27v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


board the said shipp Mary, breake her maine mast, maine topp, maine yard,
foreyard, her maine shrowds, two of her foreshrowds her missen topp mast,
and cracked her misen mast, spoyled her maine stay in two places, and brake
one side of the said shipp the Mary downe to the Water, and rent her foresaile
and maine topsaile, and much deteriorated her new mayne saile, and very much
damnified all the small rigging of the said shipp Mary, And saith that upon
the said violent irruption severall of the Company of the said Vessell the ffreeman came
on board the said Vessell the Mary, and did there cutt and hack the said shipp
the Mary and her tackle in a violent and wilfull manner , the said John Whitty
in the meane time standing upon the forecastle of the said shipp ffreeman
and calling out to the Master and Company of the said shipp Mary, sayeing
You Colliers doggs I had not cared if I had sunke you, this deponent then being
one of the Companie of the said Vessell the Mary and aboard her, and hearing
seeing and observing the premisses by him predeposed: hee further saith That
the dammage sustained by the said shipp the Mary by the meanes aforesaid
did and doe really amount to the valew of two hundred pounds sterling or
thereabouts to the best of this deponents Judgement and estimation, hee haveing for
12. yeares last past continually frequented the sea as a Mariner and knowing the
valew of such tackle and furniture and dammages so sustained as aforesaid,
And verily beleeveth That the said shipp the Mary will cost so much or
more in reparation, before shee bee in as good a condition as shee as before
the said dammages so sustained as is predeposed. And further hee cannot depose

To the third article hee saith, That the said Vessell the Mary at the time
of the dammage sustained as aforesaid was a Vessell constantly employed
upon Voyages to fetch Coales from the Port of New Castle to this Port of
London, And that by reason of the dammage predeposed, the said shipp Mary
hath bin and is still necessitated to lye neere the said River of Thames at the
New Crane to be repaired, and by meanes thereof hath lost her employment which
shee otherwise might have had upon a Colliers Voyage to Newcastle aforesaid
which in all probability shee might have performed, aswell as other shipps
have done in that time of this deponents certaine knowledge. And saith that hee
verily beleeveth and is convinced in Judgement that the Owners of the said shipp
by meanes of her retardment from the said Voyage have suffered dammage in
that particular to the cleare valew of fifty pounds sterling or thereabouts. The premisses
hee deposeth being one of the said shipps Company, and staying here in and
about London ever since the dammage so sustained as aforesaid. And further
cannot depose./

To the 4th hee saith That hee referreth himselfe to the Actas and proceedings of
this Court. And further cannot depose:-/

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

dt. Smith.

To the first hee saith hee cometh to be a Witnesse in this Cause to declare the
trueth of his knowledge therein, by the meanes of Robert Yaxley Master of the said shipp the Mary
interrate, and saith the dammage by him predeposed happened betwixt
10. and 12. of the Clocke in the forenoone, this deponent then being above