HCA 13/70 f.269r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.269r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


in the weight upon such their reweighing, And by those who delivered some
goods at Porta fferrara, and afterwards saw and procured the same to be
weighed over againe at Leghorne, this deponent was credibly informed, that
in such weighing and reweighing of swerall goods there was found to be one
in three hundred weight advance or thereabouts. And further cannot depose,
saving, that as ths deponent for the reasons before recited verily beleeveth the
difference aforesaid did proceed from the badnesse of weight or Stillyard
at Porta fferrara, and the carelessnesse or partiality of the weighers

To the 5th hee saith, That the weight at Porta fferrara and Legorne
are generally observed and ought to be one and the same, as being both of them places
in obedience to one and the same Government of the Great duke of Tuscanie
And so much this deponent well observed and was by Merchants of Creditt
and quality informed and assured during his residence in those parts. And
further cannot depose./

To the 6th hee saith and deposeth, That the goods in question
were taken aboard the said shipp the Thomas Bonadventure at Scanderoone
and Cyprus onely by tale or number of baggs, and not by weight,
And saith that in such a Case as now is in Controversie, it is not usuall
for goods so received to be delivered in any other manner then as they are
received aboard, Which hee knoweth having in the voiage in question observed and
been credibly informed and assured by Merchants inhabitants in Legorne
that it was not nor is the usuall practice in those parts for goods to be
discharged by weight And further hee saith hee cannot depose.

To the 7th hee saith, That it is publique and notorious, That Cotton woolls
Galls and other Merchandizes laden aboard shipps at Scanderoon
Cyprus and other parts and places of Turkey are usually rammed and
steeved in with Engines expressely made for that purpose, in such manner
that upon their unladeing, many of the sacks so steeved and rammed are
usually torne and broken in the discharge, so that the Merchants or their
Agents therein concerned are usually necessiated to provide Canvas, twine and
other necessaries for the reparation of the same, and so much hee saith
the factor did provide and procure upon the receipt of the goods in
Controversie at Porta fferrara. And further hee cannot depose./

To the 8th hee saith, That Norleigh the factor of the said ffrederick
Chewne and Companie, at the delivery of the goods in question at Porta
fferrara perceiving severall baggs of goods to be torne and broken did
himselfe provide and procure Canvas twine and other necessaries for
the reparation thereof, but saith that this deponent being present both at
the discharge of the said goods, and at the delivery of the same to the
said Norleigh out of the Lazaretta saw and well observed that none
of them were purloyned or stolne away, but came to the hands and
possession of the said Norleigh. And further hee cannot depose./:

To the 9th hee saith, That the rates of affraightment of shipps from London
to Turkey is at the rate of 9. 8. or 7. pounds sterling according as the
goods are which are received aboard, so farr as this deponent hath observed