HCA 13/70 f.265r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.265r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 13th article hee saith, That in or about the latter end of May and
beginning of June 1652. there was in the Port of Cyprus arlate the
shipps the Mary Rose, Captaine Poole Commannder the Richard and
William Captaine Wise Commannder which being according to common report
then and there fully laden and readie to depart, yet stayed there and attended
till the departure of the said Convoy for their securitie, and did actually
come from thence with the same of this deponents sight, and saith the said
Convoy and Companie touching at Cephalonia the shipp William and
Thomas, Captaine knight Commannder came and joyned her selfe with the
said Convoy, with which shee came in Companie to Porta Longoone And
further cannot depose./

To the 14th hee saith, That at or about such time as the said shipp the Thomas
Bonadventure was commannded at Porto Longoone into the service of this
Commonwealth, there were then alsoe five other English Merchants shipps commannded
into the said service and forced to unlade besides the said shipps the Thomas
Bonadventure, the Mary Rose and the William Thomas, all being laden
and bound for London with Merchants goods, Which hee well knoweth for
that hee saw and observed the said shipps employed in the said service, but
whether the Master or Owner thereof or their Agents received their full
freight due to the time of their discharge hee saith hee knoweth not:
And further hee cannot depose./

To the 15th hee saith, That there were of this deponents sight and observation
about 20. sacks of Cotton wooll laden aboard the said shipp at Cyprus by order
of her freightors there, which were not of the same marke with the rest
of the baggs of cotton wooll there received aboard the said shipp, but were
as hee beleeveth, belonging to some other Merchant and not to the generall
freighters of the said shipp, and were unladen in this deponents sight at Porto
Longoone together with the rest of the said shipps kading, but whether any
freight were particularly payd for the same, or how much hee saith hee
knoweth not./

To the 16th hee saith, Tha this deponent saw and was assistant at and in the
unlading of the said shipp Thomas Bonadventure, and that upon such her
unlading, the Merchandizes therein were brought ashoare at Porta fferrara
arlate and there delivered into the place called the Lazaretta being the
usuall place for the receipt of goods there discharged, and being of this deponents
observation a very strong and secure place, and beleeveth not that any goods
entred into the same are or can be purloyned thence or stole away. And further
cannot depose./

To the 17th aarticle hee saith, That the Galls and Cotton woolls laden on board
the said shipp the Thomas Bonadventure the Voiage in question were not
so farr as this deponent ever heard saw or observed received into the said
shipp by weight, but onely by the number of baggs, nor hath this deponent
though hee have been severall times and at severall ports and places of
Turkey ever seene any goods of the like nature taken in by weight but
onely by baggs or sacks in grosse. And further cannot depose./