HCA 13/70 f.256r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 256 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/08 |
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To the Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogaory he answereth that he commeth to be
a wittnes by the procuremtnt of the producents, that he never
was any of the sayd shipps Company, And otherwise
referring himselfe to his former deposition he answereth
To the second he answereth that it appeared by Letters
that the shipp was seized by some ffrench she then being
at Roane, and that she was afterwards condemned And
to the rest he knoweth not to answere.
To the third Interrogatory he answereth that the shipp interrate did
belong to Philipp Richaut and Company before such
time as this Rendent did come to live with the sayd
Mr Richaut And to the rest he knoweth not to answeare.
Repeated before Doctor Clerke.
Pieter de brier [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The foresayd Peter Powles To the Interrogatories
ministred concerning the said shipp the ffortune
of the sea now called the Post.
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he was Master
of the interrate shipp at the time of her seizure, that he
commeth to be a wittnes at the request of Mr Richaut
And to the rest he answereth [?negatively] and that it is satisfyed in his
foregoeing deposition
To the second he answereth that he beleiveth that the ffrench
and Dutch did graunt Commissions to seize English
shipps, but he beleiveth the interrate shipp was uniustly
seized, at which time of seizure he this Rendent was on
shoare, but he sayth it was seized by ffrench she then lying
at Roane-haven And further he cannot answeare.
To the third Interrogatory he answereth that the shipp interrate
was bought by this Rendent somewhat above three
yeares since at Ostend for the account of the sayd Philip
Richaut and Company of one Jacob of Ostend, and that the
money for her (which was two hundred and two pounds) was
payd by one Mr Abraham Vanderhorn, a Merchant of Ostend and
Correspondent or Agent of the said Mr Richaut And
to the rest he knoweth not to answeare
Repeated before Dr Clerke
12th of ffebruary 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
John Deidan of the parish of Peter Le Poore servant
to Mr Peter Richaut Merchant, with whom and
father Sir Peter Richaut he hath lived about
fower yeares past aged about 32 yeares, a wittnes sworne
and examined he deposeth as followeth.
To the first and second articles of the sayd Libell given in and
admitted on the behalfe of the sayd Mr Philip Richaut and
Company he deposeth and saith that he this deponent being
a servant unto Sir Peter Richaut now deceased the father
of the arlate Philipp Richaut, did well know the arlate