HCA 13/70 f.250r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.250r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third Interrogatory he answereth that he referreth himselfe
to his former deposition made to the seaventh article of the
sayd allegation. And he further answereth that there were
many of the said shipp the Elizabeths complany imployed
in manning the arlate Prizes; and among them many of
the Officers of the said Elizabeth And further he cannot
answeare, Leaving (as he hath predeposed) the arlate shipp
the Elizabeth about the midst f ffebruary 1651./

To the fourth Interrogatory he answereth that he this Rendent
with the others of the shipp the Elizabeths Company
did sue the interrate Captaine [?Stanton] for wages, And
he answereth that he was never on board the interrate shipp
the Abrahams Sacrifice as upon any duty or [?office] [?so]
being putt upon any care of her goods, and that he cannot
certainly remember that he was ever on board her, And
otherwise he answereth negatively for his part.

Repeated before Doctor
Godolphin on the 25th of
January 1654./

Thomas Lardge [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


26th of January 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

Taylor against Chamberlaine}
Clements Suckly:}

Upon the Libell./


Joane Zouch the wife of John Zouch
of Barking in Essex ffisherman, where he hath lived
all his lifetime, she is aged about 66 yeares, and
was borne at Dagnam in Essex a wittnes produced
sworne and examined deposeth as followeth.

To the first article of the sayd Libell given in and admitted on
the behalfe of the sayd Taylor she deposeth and saith that she
hath knowne the arlate Christopher Taylor for about 24
or 25 yeares, he the sayd Taylor being bound an Apprentice
to her this deponents husband a ffisherman of Barking
which said apprenticeshipp he did faithfully serve out being
seaven yeares, and that ever since the expiration of his
said apprenticeshipp he being made free by her this deponents
husband that he hath followed the trade or calling of
fishing, and that he hath bin a freeman for these 15
or 16 yeares past, and hath followed for all the said time
his sayd trade and maynteyned himselfe and family therby And
further she cannot depose.

To the second and third articles of the sayd Libell and to the
Indenture or exhibite mentioned in the said second article
she deposeth and saith that the arlate John Scott became
and was bound an Apprentice in the high Court of Admiralty
unto the said Christopher Taylor for the space of eight yeares (as she
best remembreth) and that the said John Scott became soe bound
in or about the moneth of December 1651 arlate, And she
further deposeth that of her certaine knowledge the arlate Taylor
received him the said Scott as his apprentice into his house
and cloathed him, and furnished him the said Scott with all
things necessary and fitting for him, and imployed him in the way
of fishing and instructed him therin And further
referring herselfe to the Indenture or exhibite arlate she cannot depose
