HCA 13/70 f.241v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.241v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the sayd ffudge for the accompt of the sayd Alderman Micoe
did weigh at the Custome house (of this deponents certaine
knowledge who receaved the said goods for his Master and saw
them there weighed) twenty seaven hundred, two quarters and
nine pound weight and noe more, and the [?Tare] three quarters
and twenty sixe pounds at fower pound weight for every
hundred and twelve pound, being the usuall Tare allowed
upon such goods, Soe that the Tare being taken off, the
neate weight of the sayd Goats woolls that the said ffudge
delivered was but twenty sixe hundred two quarters and
eleaven pounds, And he deposeth and saith that he
findeth by severall parcells of goods that a
hundred Rotuloes Smirna maketh one hundred twenty
and five pounds weight English, and that upon that
accompt the two thousand sixe hundred and eight Rotuloes
weight of the said Goats wools would and was to have made
here three thousand two hundred and sixty pound weight
but they made and weighted neate noe more then two thousand
nine hundred seventy and nine poundds, soe that there
was wanting of the iust weight of the said woolls two
hundred eighty pounds and one, And he deposeth that the
said ffudge hath acknowledged that every pound of the said
Goats wooll is worth 1 s 4 d here in London, as alsoe
he this deponent knoweth that at present it is worth as
much. And further he cannot depose.

To the last he saith his former deposition is true.

To the Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he is the
domestique srvant of the producent, and cometh to be now
examined by his order, And that as to the point of right
he favoureth the partyes litigant equally, and wisheth the
victory to the deserver therof in iustice.

To the second Interrogaory he answereth that he first saw
the interrate woolls at Chesters key he this Rendent being
there on shoare, and that they were there taken a shoare
out of a Lighter and presently weighed in the sight of the
Rendent, and of one on the behalfe of the shipp And further
he cannot answeare./

To the third Interrogatory he knoweth not to answeare./

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin./

Edmund Johnson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 12th day of ffebruary 1654 English style [CENTRE HEADING]

Edward Tayler against 1/8 part of the Blessing of which}
George Blake Commander, adiudged by a Primum decretum
and against the sayd Blake and all others to show cause why}
a Secundum decretum should not passe against the}
sayd part Suckley}

Examined on an allegation given the 5th of ffebruary [?XXX]
aforesayd on behalfe of the sayd Tayler/

Rp. 1

Michaell Tayler of Wapping in the parish of
Stepney a distiller of strong waters aged [?XXX]
or thereabouts a witnesse sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet./