HCA 13/70 f.231r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.231r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 14th day of February 1654: [CENTRE HEADING]

A businesse of Examination of Wittnesses in the}
behalf of Edward Noseworthy and others et cetera}

Examined upon the said Allegation

dyer dt.

Roger Hatton of the parish of All hallowes
hartstreet Merchant aged 33. yeares or thereabouts
a Wittnes sworne and examined.

To the first Article of the said Allegation this examinate saith and deposeth
That in the yeares 1651 and 1652. and moneths therein respectively
concerning some or one of them, hee this deponent being the person in this
article mentioned and intended by the name of Roger hatton, then residing
at Naples in the quality of ffactor or Agent for sewerall English Merchants
received letters and Commission from the arlate Edward Noseworthy Peter
keckwith John hallett and Companie all English Merchants for and
concerning the arlate shipp the Endeavour and her ladeing by them
consigned to this deponent and saith That this deponent as ffactor and Agent
to and for the Merchants aforesaid did in or about the moneths of
October or November 1651. last past, (as hee now remembreth the time)
give order and direction to his Correspondent at Gallipoli arlate
to lade the said shipp with Oyles, Which his said Correspondent
accordingly did, as hee after the lading thereof certified to this deponent
by letters of advise together with a bill of lading importing that hee had
by this deponents direction laden in and aboard the said shipp 127. [?salmes]
of Oyles Gallipoli measure, being according to English account 24
shipps Tunns or thereabouts, to be transported in the said shipp for
England for the proper accompt of the Merchants aforesaid and upon
their Adventure. And thereupon this deponent in the name and behalf of
his said Principalls payd and disbursed in all, that is to say his owne provisions
included) for the said Oyles and for the incident charges the summe of
2351, duckats or thereabouts, amounting in sterling money to six hundred
pounds or thereabouts, The premisses hee well knoweth as being the
person who in the notion aforesaid was Commissionated to and acted and
transacted the premisses. And further cannot depose./

To the second hee saith, That after the said shipp departed from
Gallipoli laden with the Oyles aforesaid bound for England, shee
was (as thus deponent by credible letters of advise was informed)
constrained to runn ashoare at the Isle of Evesey within the
Dominion of the king of Spaine, where the said Oyles were landed,
and detained by the Governor of that place, And further to this aarticle
hee cannot depose

To the third and fourth articles hee saith, That this deponent having
received advise as aforesaid of the landing of the said Oyles at
the said Island of Evesey, wrote to his Correspondents at Naples