HCA 13/70 f.229v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.229v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Owners and that hee this rendent was bound therewith directly for
the downes, there to receive order and direction of and from his said
Owners or to that effect, and then also said that hee himselfe was a
dantzicker, and that hee had a dantzicke passe for the better securing
of the said shipp, but that in trueth and reality the said shipp and
ladeing were bound for and belonged to English as aforesaid; And
saith, That of a trueth, hee this rendent did expressely forbeare
to carry any documents or writings along with him in the said shipp
importing the same to belong to English, for feare of being mett
with and seized by the hollanders neither did hee or could at the
time of his service aforesaid for that reason produce any such writing
or evidence./

To the 7th hee saith, the shipp in Controversy was seized as aforesaid
att or neere the Entrance of the English Channell, as hee now
remembreth, and saith that her lading consisted in french wines,
Resin, feathers, skinns and other goods of the growth and making of france

To the 8th hee saith hee this rendent hath no share in the said shipp
but had in her ladeing some hogsheads of wyne, a quantitie of
feathers, and other goods to the valew of 175 li sterling or
thereabouts, and that no ffrenchman or Subject of the ffrench
king was any way concerned in the said shipp or lading:-/

To the 9th hee saith the said shipps Companie at the time of her said
seizure consisted of this rendent ten men and one boy who was
an English boy, and saith this deponent and the rest of the said shipps
Company were Easterlings and North Countrey men, but no
ffrench nor dutch:-/

To the 10th hee saith the said shipp had 5. pieces of Ordnance
aboard when shee was seized, and when shee went from
dover upon the Voiage in Controversie. And knoweth not how
many peeces shee brought home, having never bin in her
since her said seizure/:-

To the 11th hee saith, hee knoweth not whether the said Merchants her
Owners aforesaid have entred the said shipp Saint John Baptist
in any Port of this Commonwealth, nor whether shee be so
entred or no, and therefore can give no reason for such her
entrance or non-entrance. And further cannot depose./

Repeated in Court:/