HCA 13/70 f.225r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.225r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


understtod, that the said Policy of Assurance did stand firme and valid
shee did as aforesaid intimate so much by letter unto her said husband then at
Legorne. And otherwise negatively.

To the 4th shee saith shee never received any letter or letters from her said
husband to the effect interrate. And further shee cannot depose/:-

To the 5th shee saith, shee hath no letter or letters remaining in ger Custodie to the
effect interrate, nor doeth shee knowe where any such letter or letters are, adressed
to her selfe or any other person whatsoever for or concerning the businesse
aforesaid, nor hath shee or any other person of her knowledge kept any
copue or cioies of letters sent by her to her said husband concerning this or
any other businesse, nor can shee recollect her memory so farr, as to be
able to expresse the particular contents of the letters mutually sent and
received to and from her said husband during the transactions in question
otherwise then as aforesaid./

To the 6th shee saith, shee noweth nothing of any order or transaction
to the effect interrate./:-

To the 7th shee saith and declareth by Vertue of her oath, That shee never
heard her husband Captaine Seaman interrate say, that hee had ever expressed
any forwardnesse, or made any voluntary proffer to engage his said shipp
in the service interrate, but that hee was by authority and commannd
from Mr Longland the then Agent of Legorne for this Commonwealth
forced and impressed into the said service, and that to the effect and order
by the said Agents procurement was read and published at the maine
mast of his said shipp then at Legorne. And further cannot depose

Repeated before doctor Clerke.

Isabell Seaman [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 9th f ffebruary 1654./ [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of Martin van houtson of Antwerp}
for his goods in the lisday Maynard Cornelison}
master. ffrancklin. Budd.}

Examined upon an allegation and
schedule on the behalfe of the
said claimer./.

ffras. dt.


Giles Vandeput of London Merchant, aged
32 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first second and third articles hee saith and deposeth That
in the moneth of November 1651, Laurence Mutio
this deponents correspondent at Antwerp did upon and for this
deponents accompt and adventure Assure at Antwerp two
hundred pounds fflemish to Martin Van houtson (the partie
producent) upon tenn quartelas or Punchions of Tholouse
Capers, five casks with fiftie barralls of anchovas and three
cases of Prunello's laden or to be laden at Marseilles
aboard the shipp arlate the liesde or love (Maynard Cornelison master)
