HCA 13/70 f.217r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.217r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 30th day of January 1654:

ffrederick Chewne and others against}
Jennings Keate and others. Budd. Smith}

Examined upon an Allegation conteyning 45
articles given on the nehalf of the said frederick
and others./:-


John Chase of the parrish of Saint Martins Outwich
in the Citie of London Gentleman aged 40. yeares or
thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the fourtieth article of the said Allegation and schedule annexed hee saith and deposeth, That upon
serious perusall of the said schedule hee findeth, and declareth the same
to be a true Copie of a Policie of Assurance made and duely registred
in the Assurance Office London and that the same agreeth word for word
with the Registrie of the said Office, out of which it was extracted by this
deponent and which hee hath with his owne hand subscribed, upon thae company
thereof with the said REgistrie, And saith hee beleeveth the sewerall
Pramiums in the said Policie expressed were and are of right due and
payable by the Assured to the respective Assurers in the said Policie
particularized, And further to this Article hee saith hee cannot depose

To the 42th article hee saith, That the usuall Praemium upon Assurances
from Porta fferrara and Legorne to this Port of London for two or
three yeares last past or more hath bin and at present is after the
rate of 5. li per Cent at the least. Which this deponent knoweth, for
that hee hath for all that time been and at present is a Clarke in and of
the Assurance Office London, and by that meanes is throughly (sic) versed in
the rates of Assurances there entred. And further cannot depose./

Repeated before doctor Clarke:/



The 32th day of January 1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]

Michael de haze and Abraham Stock late}
Owners of the Vessell called the Successe against}
the Vessell the dove of which Walter Cable}
is Master Suckley. Smith}

Examined upon an Allegation exhibited on the
behalfe of the said de haze and Stocke

Rp. 3

Henry Hancocks of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen
in Southwarke Mariner aged 52. yeares or thereabouts
a Wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as

To the 7th article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That hee this
deponent well knoweth the Vessell the dove arlate, and went in
Companie with her from Yarmouth roade to Newcastle in or about the
moneth of August last past, together with the Vessell the
William and James, and that the said Vessell the dove (Walter Cable
Master) then had the picture in her head, and of a
dove in her sterne, and that in the said moneth, the said Vessell the