HCA 13/70 f.214r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 214 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/01 |
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nor shott at the said man of warr, And after the said ffrenchmen so come
aboard as aforesaid, and the said french Pylot had upon the neere approach of
the sad man of warr deserted the said shipp, the said Master Legier derrickson
and Companie tarried and remained aboard the same, and without any the
least opposition suffered some men that came in a boate from the said man of warr
to enter upon seize and take way the said shipp and lading, which they could
well have prevented, if they had resolved to make resistance. The premisses hee
knoweth and deposeth upon the reason of knowledge predeposed, and for that the
said boates Companie consisted but of 7. men, whereas they of the said shipp Saint
Peter were of equall number, and had the advantage of their shipp and gunns
to repulse them, and the said man of warr by reason of the dangerous rocks
thereabouts, not being able to come up to them:-/
To the 8th hee sith, That after the said shipps seizure by the mann of warr
aforesaid (Captaine Barnett Commannder) the said mann of warrs Companie
or some of them abused the said master and Companie and sett swords and [?poussards] to their
brests, calling to them, and by such cruell usage constaraining them to deliver their monies,
such of them, as had any about them, and cutt in peeces their Cloathes to that purpose,
and tooke from the said Legier derrickson the Master all such Cloathes linnen and
woollen and other necessaries as hee had in his Chest and Cabin, and tooke also
from him such moneys as hee had about him, but how much the said Clothes
goods or monies imported this deponent knoweth not, hee further saith that the said
seizors or some of them tooke from the said shipps Steersman 17. french Louyes
and from the said Steeresman this deponent and the rest of the Companie, they
tooke all their cloathes linnen and woollen, save what they had on their backs,
this deponent having by the said plunder sustained losse to the valew of about one hundred
gilders or ten pounds sterling, besides a Tierce of wyne of about 40. s price which this
deponent had aboard for his owne accompt. hee further deposeth and saith, That the
said seizors or some of them after the said seizure plundered and tooke away
out of the said shipp all the kettles potts dishes Compasses mapps leads
sealines and other moveable necessaries belonging to the same, and converted them
to their owne use, part whereof they carried aboard the said man of warr, and
part were carries ashoare and sold and disposed of at Guernezey where they
brought this deponent and Companie,) and there the said shipps Stiersman and
this deponents precontest Thunis Jacobson were examined, but by what authority
this deonent knoweth not, but saith they were exposed to great misery being in
a strange land destitute of friends and monies for their support. The premisses
hee knoweth by sadd experience, being a partaker in the suffereings aforesaid, And
further cannot depose, saving the said seizors tooke away from the said shipp 1 maintopsaile, and 3. bonnetts
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
To the Crosse Interrogatories:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee answereth, That hee cometh to depose the trueth of his knowledge
in this Cause by authority as hee beleeveth of and from this Court, and by
the Clearing of the said shipp hopeth to have his wages, and reparation for his
losses sustained as aforesaid. And otherwise negatively:-/
To the second hee saith hee hath used to saile for france for theise ten yeares
last past, and knoweth not how manie times hee hath bin there, And further
otherwise then negatively hee saith hee cannot depose./
To the third hee saith, there were the said Master and four duch men and a boy