HCA 13/70 f.212r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 212 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/01 |
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shipp, whom the said Master earnestly entreated not to make any opposition or resistance
against the said man of warr, and saith that all the resistance that was made
against her from the Saint Peter was by the said ffrenchmen aboard, and other frenchmen
with musketts and small shott from the shoare, and that contrarie to the
direction, and without any the least assistance contributed by the said Master
Leiger dirrickson or any of his Companie, The premisses hee well knoweth
being one of the said shipps Companie at the time of the seizure and during the
whole voyage in Controversie. And further, saving his subsequent depositions hee saith
hee cannot depose./.
To the 4th and 5th articles hee saith, That the said shipps Companie consisted of
the Master and five men and one boy all dutch, excepting one ffrenchman hired
at Bourdeaux in the place of a dutch man who had there deserted the said shipps
service, and saith the said frenchmen that came aboard were, as is predeposed
about 30. in number, and that at such time as they came into the said shipp, there
were severall other frenchmen ashoare with musketts and small shott within
the reach and command whereof the said shipp then lay, so that the said Master
and Companie were not capable to hinder or oppose the said french mens entrie.
hee further saith, That this deponent was present and heard the said Master
Leiger derrickson severall times command and entreat the frenchmen so come
on board him not to shoot or make any fight with or opposition against the said
Companie, and not regarding his commmannds or entreaties made opposition
and shott against the said man of warr contrarie to the commands and entreaties,
and without any the least approbation countenance or assistance of the said Master
or Companie, or any of them Which hee knoweth for the reasons aforesaid And
further, saving his subsequent depositions, hee cannot depose./
To the 6th article hee saith and deposeth, That all the opposition that was made
against the said man of warr was made by the frenchmen aforesaid, who together with
the said Pylott made three great shott from the said shipp Saint Peter, two with bullets, and
one without, and that severall frenchmen from the rocks and shoare shott at and against
the said man of warr, the said Master and Companie nor any of them at all
abbetting assisting or countenancing the said Violence and hostility, and saith if
the said frenchmen had not soe come aboard and overpowered the said Master and Companie
there had bin no resistance at all made by or out of the said shipp Saint Peter against
the said man of warr. The premisses hee saw and knoweth upon the grounds aforesaid
And further cannot depose.
To the 7th hee saith, That the said man of warr pursued the Saint Peter about
three howers, before the said frenchmen came aboard her, during which pursuit
the arlate Leiger derrickson the Master and Companie made no shott at or opposition
against the said man of warr, and that after the said ffrenchmen and french Pylot
had deserted the said shipp, and runn ashoare upon the approach of the said man
of warr the said Master and Companie aforesaid remained all aboard the said shipp,
and without any opposition surrendered the said shipp and ladeing to some of the
said man of warrs Companie, wjo came to them in a boate, and whom they
could easily have repelled and hindred, if they the said Master and Companie had
had any designe or intention of opposition, And the said man of warrs
Companie cutt the roapes whereby the said shipp was fastned to the shoare
and without any resistance from the said Master and Companie carried the same away