HCA 13/70 f.211r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.211r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


all in a miserable condition in a strange place, destitute of friends or
moneys for their necessarie relief, and there this deponent was examined
but by what aithority hee knoweth not. All and singular the premisses hee
knoweth and deposeth by sadd experience. And further cannot depose/

To the 9th hee saith, his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the Crosse Interrogatories:/:-

To the first hee saith, hee cometh of his owne accord to declare the
trueth of his knowledge in this Cause, and that hee hath an eighth part or share in
the said shipp Saint Peter, and expecteth by decree of this Court to have restitution
thereof and reparation for his losses sustained by the Plunder aforesaid and
freight due for the wynes and goods laden aboard the same, And otherwise
negatively, saving that the Wittnesses produced and examined, or to be examined
in this Cause, were and are persons belonging to the said shipp, and are to have
satisfaction for their necessarie charges in attending their Examination
about the same. And further cannot depose./

To the second hee saith, hee cannot speake nor doeth hee well understand
the french tongue, and saith hee hath been severall Voiages and at severall
places and ports in ffrance, but how maine (sic) tymes, or how long hee hath
continued at those places at one time, hee now remembreth not, for that
his journal booke is taken away by the seizors/

To the third hee saith, That there were this deponent and other dutch
Mariners aboard the said shipp Saint Peter at the time of her said seizure, and
chase interrate, and that there then was one french Mariner aboard the same
who this deponent had entertained at Bourdeaux in the place of another
dutchman who had deserted the said shipps service, And saith that the said
shipp was at the time of the first Chase interrate in her direct Course
so farr as the wind and weather then served for Pontereaux the place of her
then intended discharge, And further or otherwise (saving his foregoeing deposition)
hee cannot depose./.

To the fourth Interrogatorie hee saith, That his said said (sic) shipp was towed to the
Rocks interrate by two french shallops, and frenchmen therein, and by no
others, And to the rest of the said Interrogatories negatively, referring himselfe to
his precedent deposition./:-

To the 5th hee referreth himself to his foregoeing deposition. And otherwise
negatively to every part thereof/

To the 6th hee saith, Thaty in case the said shipp Saint Peter and lading had
safely arrived at Pontereux, the Pylott interrate was by this deponent
intended to be left there, and saith this examinate hath often times heard that
Merchants and factors in ffrance have provided and procured Pilots to
conduct the shipps they had laden from place to place, And saith That hee
this examinate was not present at the accord betweene the ffreighters and
Pylott interrate, And therefore cannot further depose./

To the 7th hee saith, That to the best of this rendents remembrance, the shotts
from the great gunns interrate were made when the said shipp Saint Peter was
fastned to the rocks interrate, And otherwise saving his foregoing deposition
hee cannot depose/:-