HCA 13/70 f.17v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.17v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The seaventh of december 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] May}
and Rowland Searchfeild}
of London merchants, touching the
death of Richard dorrington merchant}
at Ponte Verde}


John Walraven of the parish of Saint Buttolph
without Algate London Chirurgeon, aged 24 yeares or
thereabouts sworne before the right Worshipfull William Clerke
doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of the
Admiraltie of England, saith and deposeth by vertue of his

That in the yeare 1652. the shipp of London
called Your Servant (whereof Robert davies was master)
and whereof this deponent was Chirurgeon) departed from this port
of London bound for the Westerne Islands in the dominion of the king
of Portugall, and that after her arivall and taking in her lading
there of and from Mr Richard dorrington English merchant and
partners, hee the said Richard dorrington came aboard
her in the moneth of July 1652 and went merchant of her intending to goe to Lisbone, but
comming neere the coast of Portugall off [?}eneche] the said shipp
was met with by an Ostend man of warr Peter [?Sable] commander) and after some time of fight
was mastered and carried to Viego in Gallicia, where the said Richard
dorrington was turned ashoare all which hee knoweth being Chirurgeon of the said shipp and going the said voyage in her and saith that at Viego and at Ponte Vedra the said dorrington remained prosecuting
the businesse of recoverie of the said shipp and lading untill
the moneth of March 1653 newe stile, at which time hee fell sick
of a [?Calenture] or feaver in the house of Mr
Samuel Travers English merchant in Ponte Verda, of which disease
hee there died And this deponent and the said Robert [?dXXXs] having at Viego intelligence of his sicknesse went to Ponte Vedra to visit him, but hee was dead before they came howbeit this deponent sawe his dead corps as the same
laye in a coffin before the coffin was fastned up, and
was one of the foure persons that helped to carry his
corps to the grave, and sawe the same interred in the said Mr Travers
his lemmon garden neare the citie of Ponte Vedra in the said
moneth of March 1653 new stile.

John Wallraven [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]