HCA 13/70 f.176v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.176v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


appointed by order of the duke of florence and for that purpose, having Officers
and Overseers belonging to the same, And therefore this deponent beleeveth the
said place to be a place of very good securitie for Merchandizes therein disposed
off. And further cannot depose:-/

To the 17th article hee saith, That the Galls and Cotton woolls laden aboard
the said shipp Tho,as Bonadventure in the voyage in Controversie were [?so]
laden and putt on board the same in grosse and by the number of baggs
without any weighing thereof, so farr as this deponent being in and belonging
to the said shipp the Voyage in question, over heard saw or observed, And
further cannot depose./

Upon the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producents/

To the Crosse Interrogatories in
the first place:- [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first negatively to any part thereof/

To the second hee saith That hee this rendent served in and aboard the shipp
interrate during all the Voiage now controverted, and that in the said shipp
and voiage there went as passengers from Gravesend one Mr Abraham [?Rowse]
who was landed at Cyprus, and two other Merchants who were landed at
Legorne, And otherwise negatively./:-

To the third hee saith, That hee this examinate had the first knowledge of the
interrate Richard Chewne at Scanderoone in Turkey the Voiage in question
wherein the said Chewne caused the said shipp to be laden both at Scanderoone
and Cyprus, but whose factor the said Chewne is, this rendent knoweth not
And saith that the English Convoy interrate consisted of three men of warr
the Paragon, Phenix and Elizabeth under the Command of Captaine
[?Bodiloe] as Admirall and of Captaine Wadworth and Captaine [?RXXX]
And otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose.

To the 4th hee saith That the Convoy interrate arrived at Cyprus in the
moneth of May 1652. and saith the Thomas Bonadventure at such
arrivall was not fully laden, and that the said Convoy (so farr as thisa examinate
remembreth) sett saile from Cyprus for Scanderoone upon or about the same day
that the dart and African frigatt arrived at Cyprus, the said [?Chewne]
then coming a passenger in the said dart friggat (Captaine Maplesden
Commander) and saith the said Convoy did abide at Cyprus about 2. or
3. daies before the said dart and African frigatt arrived there, whereupon
they remayned about 24. howers as hee remembreth. And further cannot

To the 5th hee saith hee referreth himself to his foregoing deposition And further
cannot depose./

To the 6th hee saith, the Thomas Bonadventure and English Convoy
interrate came in Companie from Cyprus in or about the moneth of June
1652. And further cannot depose:/

To the 7th hee saith the Currans interrate were laden at or neere Zant
by the said Richard Chewne but for whose accompt hee knoweth not./

To the 8th hee saith hee hath not so deposed./

To the 9th hee referreth himself to his foregoeing deposition. And further