HCA 13/70 f.164v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.164v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 8th ninth and tenth articles he referreth himselfe
to the Lawes and the Registry of this Court And
further he cannot depose

To the last he saith his former deposition is true./

Qillia. [?fray] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

On the same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

dt. (3

Thomas fforty of Saint Jame=Towne in Virginia
Planter though now resident in ffetter Lane London
where in Virginia hee hath lived about 4 yeares
aged about 35 yeares, a wittnes produced, sworne and
examined he deposeth as followeth.

To the first and second articles of the sayd Libell given in
and admitted on the sayd William [?Monston] Esquire his behalfe
he deposeth and saith That he this deponent went ober about
fower yeares since (the time he cannot certainly recollect) to
Virgina with his precontest William May in a shipp called
the fflower=de Lune from this Port of London, and that
there were at Gravesend shipped aboard the said shipp
three servants for the use and account of the arlate William
Monston Esquire, and that the said three servants were safely
transported and did safely arrive in Virginia, and were
there delivered and sold for the use and Account of the
sayd William Monston by his Attorney there unto the
arlate Jeremiah harrison, and that he was present when
the said three servants were sold and was a wittnes
therunto and that the said harrison arlate was to pay
to the arlate [?Moriton] for the said servants the full
number of 4600 pounds of Tobacco And he deposeth
and saith that the three dozen of shooes mentioned in the
sayd articles were made at Virginia by one James [?Attersoll]
Shoomaker there who delivered the said shooes unto
Major Norwood the Attorney there of the said William Mo[XXXXX]
for satisfaction of a debt the said Attersoll did owe unto
the sayd Moriton, And that the said Norwood did sell
the sayd three dozen of shooes unto the arlate Jeremiah
harrison for the number of 828 pounds of Tobacco to
be payd to the arlate M[?onston] or his Assigne, The
premisses he well knoweth because he the deponent was present
at the bargaine=making concerning the said shooes, And
alsoe because he hath heard the arlate harrison say and
confesse about a fortnight before this deponent came from
BVirginia that he the said harrison had bargained to
pay unto the arlate Mo[?nserton] or his Agent for the said
three dozen of shooes the number of 828 pounds of Tobacco
and for the sayd three servants the full number of 4600
pounds of Tobacco And further he cannot depose

To the third article of the sayd Libell he saith he cannot
depose; saving that he hath heard that the arlate Mr [?Clerke]
was indebted unto the arlate Willuam [?Mourton] Esquire