HCA 13/70 f.162v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 162 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/12/30 |
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The third day of January 1654 English style [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined on the sayd allegation.
Rp. 3
William Clement of Weymouth in the County of dorset Mariner
aged 40 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the 5th 6th and 7th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth that by
reason hee this deponent then was and is an Inhabitant of Weymouth and almost dayly
did see the shipp the John of Weymouth arlate about the tyme arlate and before
hee knoweth that the sayd shipp the John of Weymouth was at the sayd Port of Weymouth
the 20th day of december 1653 and before, and knoweth that shee was before that
day sufficiently manned with and victualed and prepared to sett to sea from the
sayd port and had belonging to her (one Thomas Browne her master and
about fifteene men and boyes but saith that by reason there was
then and for the mostest of the sayd moneth of december before the sayd 20th day a generall Impresse for takeing up of Seamen at Weymouth to serve this
Commonwealth and that divers frigotts in the imidiate service of this Common
wealth as the Speaker the hound the Guinney ffrigott and others laye then before
Weymouth in the Roade to receave such men as should be pressed for the service of
this Commonwealth and seamen were dayly pressed out of Merchants
shipps and on shoare for the sayd service the sayd shipp the John though shee were
then on the sayd 20th day of december and before fitted to have sett sayle from the sayd Port
could not sett sayle from thence by reason the mariners belonging to her or the greatest part of them for feare
of the sayd presse which was then at Weymouth and had soe bin from before the 7th
day of the sayd moneth of december 1653 did forsake the sayd vessell and hide them
selves on shoare where they could, to avoide pressing, which notwithstanding hee saith
the arlate Captaine John Arthur did his utmost endeavour that the sayd shipp might
have proceeded on her intended voyage and sett sayle on the sayd 20th day of december
and in pursuance thereof did on the 7th day of the sayd december not get the mariners of the sayd shipps
the Johns Company to come on board her for feare [?of] pressing get some of the Inhabitants of
Weymouth to get the sayd shipp John over the barr of the Roade of Weymouth but
the Mariners of the sayd shipps company being some of them of this deponents knowledge
pressed for the service of this Commonwealth and others of them hideing themselves on shoare
to avoide pressing, some of whome did hide themselves in this deponents house in his
mault chamber (hee this deponent using also the trade of malteing at such tymes as hee was
not at sea) the sayd shipp John could not proceede on her voyage nor passe out
of the sayd Port of Weymouth untill about the 19th day of January 1653 old style
about whch tyme the sayd ffrigotts in service of this Commonwealth went out of
Weymouth Roade, and as hee hath heard some of the sayd shipp the Johns company saye
they did on or about the sayd 19th day of January 1653 old style (which was [?as ?soone]
they could for feare of pressing) sett sayle from Weymouth Roade in the sayd shipp the John on the voyage
in question And further to these articles hee cannot depose saving hee saith hee
knoweth not nor hath heard of any vessell that sett sayle from the Port of Weymouth
on or about the 20th of december 1653 till about the 19th of January next
followingh by reason of the sayd presse./
To the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent/
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie in this cause at the request
of the producent Captaine Arthur and saith hee gfavureth all the parties litigant
alike and desyreth right may take place and prevaile in this busines./
To the 2 hee saith hee did not observe what quarter the winde was in the tyme
Interrogate and therefore knoweth not whether the winde were fayre to carry a shipp
from Weymouth to Plymouth or any port westwards, nor knoweth of any shipp that
went during the tyme Interrogate from Weymouth to any port westwards And
further cannot answere/