HCA 13/70 f.152r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.152r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And further hee cannot depose./

To the 7th hee saith, That after the said shipp the Thomas Bonadventure had
taken in her full ladeing as aforesaid, and was readie therewith to depart
for England, George hughes the Master and Commander of the said shipp
called the said shipps Companie togeather and amongst them all in this deponents presence declared
That hee was ready and willing to sett saile for England, but that hee was
hindred and commanded to the contrary by the said Roger and William
ffowke and Richard Chowne, who enjoyned him to stay and waite for the
Convoy aforesaid or words to the like effect And further hee cannot depose./

To the 8th hee saith, That during the time the said shipp Thomas Bonadven-
ture being retarded as aforesaid to wait and expect for the said Convoyes
Departure, this deponent never heard of any protest made by the said Roger or
William ffowke or Richard Chowne arlate, or by all or any of them against
the said George howes for his not departing thence before the said Convoy, neither
doeth this deponent beleeve that any such protest was made, for that hee saith in
such case, the shipps Companie or some of them should have had notice thereof
which none of them had of this deponents knowledge who was and remained
on board the said shipp for all the time predeposed. And further hee cannot

To the 9th hee saith, That hee this deponent having been a seafaring person for
about 22. yeares last past, and having beein in sewerall Merchandizing Voyages
in that time, hee well knoweth, That it was and is usuall amongst Merchants
and factors to make protests against Masters of shipps who disobey the orders
and directions of such Merchants or ffactors by whom they are consigned and
ordered to be directed concerning their Voyages. And in case no such protests
be made, it was and is generally presumed that such Master or Masters of shipps
have not disobeyed the directions of such Merchants or ffactors And further
hee cannot depose./

To the 10th article and schedule thereunto annexed, and now showne to this
examinate hee saith and deposeth, That during the Voyage in question
the arlate George hughes was amongst the said shipps Companie commonly accompted and reputed a party
ffreighter of the said shipp, but of how much, or how the same was made
over or transferred unto him the said hughes this deponent knoweth not
And for Otherwise, referring himself unto the said schedule or Indenture
of sale or assignement, hee cannot further depose

To the 11th hee saith hee cannot depose./

To the 12th and schedule annexed and read to this examinate hee saith hee
knoweth nothing thereof./

To the 13th hee saith, That at the latter end of May and beginning of
June in the yeare 1652:- there were in the Port of Ciprus
the shipp the Mary Rose of London whereof one Poole was Commander
and the shipp the Mary of London (as this deponent remembreth her
name) whereof John Wise was Captaine, both which shipps laden
with Merchandizes and ready to depart from thence for England did