HCA 13/70 f.146r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.146r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first 2. and 3. articles of the said Allegation this deponent saith and deposeth, That
hee this deponent being an hamburger and of the Eastland, and having used
Navigation for about 33. yeares last past and being thereby well experienced in
the manner forme and fabrique of Eastland shipps, and having severall times
seene and seriously observed the fashion and composure of the shipp the Sampson
in question, both in Spaine and here in the River of Thames since her seizure, hee
well knoweth her to be of the fashion and forme of building usuall at Lubeck
and other Ports in the East Countrey about 10. yeares since, for that the fashion
of the said Countries in building of shipps was generally observed to be more rude
unpolished and of heavy and full timber, and that of the United Netherland of a
lighter handsomer and more polished and neate composure, And so much hee saith
hee beleeveth was and is very obvious and easy to be discerned by experienced
Merchants Mariners and Shipwrights, And further saith, That this deponent hath
ceredibly heard and is fully convinced in Conscience by the relation of the allate
Otto George late Master of the said shipp Sampson, and of Vincent Van Campen
ffrederick Be[?v]ia John de Windt and others Merchants of great worth in Spaine
and part Owners of the said shipp Sampson, That shee was built originally from the
stockes at Lubeck in the yeares 1645. and 1646. last past, by the direction of one
Anthonie Wessell a Lubecker of whom the said Otto George bought the same
for the accompt of the said Owners and others Merchants and inhabitants in
Spaine, And saith That for all the time of this deponents knowledge of the said
shipp Sampson, viderlicet for about 6. or 7. yeares since, shee hath alwaies been
accompted reputed and knowne amongst Merchants and Mariners for and as a
Lubeck shipp. And further hee cannot depose saving his subsequent deposition, not
being present or seeing the Originall building of the said shipp Sampson:-/:-

To the 4th and 5th articles hee saith, That since the said Originall building and buying
of the said shipp Sampson as aforesaid by the said Otto George, hee the said
Otto George was generally observed to have the Conduct and
Command of the said shipp till the time of her seizure by the English in or
about November 1652. last past, and saith the said Otto George for an
Easterling borne, and a Burgher of Lubeck was till his death generally
accompted and esteemed, And that this deponent never heard any credible or
common report during all that time, that the said shipp Sampson ever belonged
to Amsterdam or to any other part or place of the United Netherlands, And
that the said Otto George about a yeare since being sick and weake departed
from London, and not long after arrived and came to Lubeck where hee dyed and
was buried as a Burgher of that place, as hee henerally was esteemed,
And so much this deponent hath understood by letters from hamborough, and
by the generall relation and report of severall persons of quality amongst whom it is publique and notorious And further
to theise articles hee cannot depose, saving his foregoeing and subsequent deposition.

To the 6th hee saith, That hee this deponent well knoweth the arlate Peter Eleston
who dwelt and kept an inne at the Goulden Posthorne upon the Sea dike in
Amsterdam and saith that the said Peter Eleson in the yeare 1647.
and moneths therein concurring, and at the time of the seizure of the said
shipp Sampson by some of the shipps of this Commonwealth in November