HCA 13/70 f.141v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.141v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


in or about the place where the interrate Sampson was seized, may aswell
bee in her direct Course for the Netherlands as for Ostend or
dunquirke, And saith hee this rendent was in the quality predeposed
aboard the said shipp Salvador at the time of the seizure interrate./

To the 12th hee saith, That hee this rendent was at Cadiz in the moneths
and yeare interrate, but was not in that yeare at dunquirke, And saith hee
last saw the shipp the Goulden Sunn interrate whereof Peter Tam was
Master at Cadiz at the time of her departure aforesaid, and never since
And further hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith hee hath not so deposed/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin



The second day of december 1654: Examined upon the said Allegation


Henry Slegar of hamborough Saylor aged 23.
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith as followeth

To the 11th article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That about
the middle of the moneth October in the yeare 1652. arlate, the shipp
the Sampson arlate, whereof Otto George was Commander did sett saile
and depart from Cadiz in Spaine in the Companie of the shipps the
Salvador and Saint George arlate, being bound togeather with their respective
ladeings to Ostend or dunquirke in fflanders and the said shipps having
kept Companie and sailed togeather for about 18. daies or three weekes
as this deponent now remembreth, the same were seized in the English
Channell off of Portsmouth and at the time of their said seizure were
in their direct Course for fflanders as is predeposed, The premisses hee well
knoweth for that this deponent served aboard the shipp the Salvador long before
and during that passage, and was present at the said seizure. And further
cannot depose./

To the 12th article hee sauth, That hee well knoweth the ship the [?Mercurius]
arlate whereof the arlate hans Younge was Master and saith, That
the said shipp Mercurius in or about the moneth of September 1652
having taken in her full ladeing at Cadiz departed thence in Company
of the Saint John Evangelist, (whereof John de Vas was Master) bound
as was then and there commonly reported for Ostend in fflanders, which
was as hee saith about a moneth before the said shipps the Sampson
Salvador and Saint George departed thence upon the Voyage in question
And saith the said shipp Mercurie did not at any time after
her such departure from Cadiz meet with at sea or come neeere
or in sight of the said three shipps dureing their said passage [?XXX GUTTER]
the English Channell or time of her seizure aforesaid, neither [?were ?they GUTTER]
at all separated at Sea by any stresse of weather, forasmuch as [?XXX GUTTER]