HCA 13/70 f.132v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.132v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


departure from Saint mallo as is predeposed, had and was possessed of severall goods
wares and Merchandizes at Saint Malo aforesaid, particularly of Woollen
draperies Indian hides Linnen Cloth and other goods and Commodities, and
at the same time had severall debts owing and due unto him by ffrenchmen and
others, all which goods wares Merchandizes and debts did then really amount
to the summe or valew of two Thousand five hundred pounds sterling or
thereabouts, all which goods wares Merchandizes and the bills and accompts for
the said debts the said William Pym did then entrust and leave in the hands
and possession of this deponent and one Thomas Eles ffactor and agent for him the said
William Pym to be mannaged and disposed of for the accompt and use of the said
William Pym. The premisses this deponent well knoweth being as aforesaid one of
the persons so entrusted and througjly (sic) acquainted with the [XXXX] affaires accompts and
estate of the said producent. And further cannot depose./

To the 5th Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That in or about the
moneths of September and October 1653. some french Merchants shipps belonging
to the Towne of Saint Mallo being taken by some of the men of warr in the immediate
service of this Commonwealth, and newes thereof arriving at Saint Mallo, the arlate
Monsieur Plato[?uch] and others the Burgesses of Saint Mallo and Subjects of
the ffrench king did seize upon sewall English Barques shippes and goods
then lyeing in and before the Towne and harbour of Saint MMallo, and particularly
upon the barque called the Providence of Lynne, wherein the said William Pym
then had one and twenty barrells of Tarr for his owne accompt, being his owne proper
goods, each of which barrells was then in common estimation worth fiftie livers
in french money, so that the totall valew thereof amounted to one hundred and
five pounds sterling or thereabouts after the rate of one hundred livers Tournois
for 10. pounds sterling, and for and according to that rate the said barrells of tarr
might then have bin sold, And saith That the said Monsieur Plato[?uch] and others the
Buirgesses aforesaid seized upon the said barrells of Tarr, and disposed thereof
according to their owne likeing without giving any manner of satisfaction to the said
William Pym for the same. The premisses hee well knoweth being present at Saint
Malo when the said seizure was made, and seeing and suffering in the same.
And further cannot depose./

To the 6th hee saith, That in or about the moneths of September and October
1653. last past, one named Monsieur Maison neuse and one Monsieur La
Basta de Genes and others Subjects of the ffrench king at Saint Mallo aforesaid
did seize upon Ten bales of white Serges conteyning one hundred peices of Serge
and sewall sorts of Bayes and frizes then remaining in a Warehouse belonging
to the said William Pym at Saint Malo aforesaid, which bales of Serges belonged
unto and were the proper goods of him the said William Pym and were
really worth eight Thousand Livers Tournois or eight hundred pounds stereling
money, which goods the said La Basta and Maison neuse sold or converted
to their owne use without giving any manner of satisfaction to the said William
Pym for the same. The premisses this deponent well knoweth being at Saint