HCA 13/70 f.121r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.121r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


was in the sayd shipp at the tyme when shee was soe taken as
aforesayd and was carreid into Lisbone in Company with the sayd
shipp And this deponent and the sayd Robert his brother were and
are utterly deprived of all and singuler the aforesayd goods
cloathes bedding bookes and Instruments.

Samuell Bromwell
S his marke. [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Rp. 2

James Godden of Southwarke in the County
of Surrey Marchant aged forty yeares
or thereabouts sworne as aforesayd saith and

That in or about the moneth of October in the yeare of our
Lord 1649 there were laden and put on board the shipp the John
Adventure whereof Eustace Smith was Master for the proper
Accompt of Samuell Bromwell and Robert Bromwell all and
singular the goods wares and Merchandizes hereafter mentioned which did
cost the severall and respective summes following videlicet three peeces of
Serges at 52 s per peece seaven pounds sixteene shillingss
Three ends of dyed ffustians at twelve shillings sixe pence
per peece one pound seaventeene shillings and sixe pence
Sixe peeces of coloured bindeing at two shillings two pence
per peece thirteene shillings three grosse of thredd laces
at three shillings sixepence per grosse Tenn shillings sixe
pence Three grosse of thred laces at fower shillings
fower pence per grosse thirteene shillings One bagg of
Myrabalins conteyning eighty two pound at sixe pense
per pound two pound one shilling, Two payre of bootes
at seaven shillings per payre fowerteene shillings one
Rundlet two shillings, Canvas and packeing one shilling
and six pence, All which hee deposeth for that hee this depo=
nent did carry the sayd goods unto the sayd shipp and did
put them on board the same and did sell the sayd goods
unto the sayd Samuell Bromwell and
Robert Bromwell and tooke care of and ordered
the packing of the sayd goods./

James Godden= [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]