HCA 13/70 f.114r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.114r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 22th day of November 1654. Examined
upon the sayd busines.


Laurence Paganonij of Venice in Italy Captain
of the shipp Madonna de Miserecordia of Venice
aged two and twenty yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne examined and interpreted as aforesayd saith
as followeth

That he came from Venice in Aprill last past in his sayd shipp
Madona de Miserecordia and arrived safely att Bristoll in
the Commonwealth of England and thence travelled to London
and hearing that the shipp Angelo Custode was come to
the downes, he went downe thither to soe her Captaine being
this deponents freind and acquaintance, and he came to
dover about the eighteenth of August 1654. last past new stile
att which tyme a great storme happened att sea, and by reason
of the sayd storme and hearing that a shipp was in danger
of perishing neere the harbour he went to the Pere and
then and there saw the sayd shipp Angelo Custode was in
haling in by a Cable made fast to the shoare, and saw
that her head and boltspritt were lost and broken off from
her, and saw that she was so bruised, and the storme so
violent and that she dashed so often against the sands that
he thought she would have sunke and perished in the
harbour, and after she was come in to the harbour he went
on board her and observed she was much hurt, and heard
her Company say that she had receyved much water into her
and after the Arrivall of the sayd vessell att London he saw
a great part of her lading was much hurt and dammaged
and he saw her when she lay att Saint Catharines in the River
of London there to have bene repayred and was on board her
when she foundred and fell downe on her side and burst
her bottome, where she still lies, and in this deponents
Judgment it was not nor is not possible that the sayd shipp
Angelo Custode should performe her voyage to hamburgh
unlesse farr more Cost were bestowed on her than she is
worth. And lastly saith that the goods he saw delivered out
of the sayd shipp were damnifyed as aforesayd but to what value
he cannot depose

[?Jolorenzo] Paganoni [?AXX] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]