HCA 13/70 f.101r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.101r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


her confesse and acknowledge soone after such her seizure a ffrench shipp and
that it and her ladeing all of it (except one bagg of Money conteyning 292 dollers
which belonged to and were laden on board her for the Accompt of one Thomas
Murthwaite an English Marchant) did wholly belonge to ffrench Men Marchants
of Marselles in ffrance and subiects of the ffrench king, And saith that the sayd
Isaack Woodgreene after he had soe seized the saud shipp Madam Guardiana
an her ladeing standing neede of some provisions of victualls and having
other occasions thither did goe with the sayd shipp for Smyrna arlate
and after his comeing thither therewith, the french Consull resident at
Smyrna tooke a way the arlate Peter Martin and all the rest of the Mari=
ners of the sayd shipp Madam Guardiana being all ffrench men into his
protection by which meanes the sayd ffrenchmen
them selves hyred and shipped into other shipps of their owne nation then
lying at Smirna soe that the sayd Woodgreene coul dnot get any of them
on board his sayd ffrigott to bring them for England heere to bee examined
And further hee cannot depose not being present with the sayd Woodgreene
when hee sollicited and desyred the sayd Consull to the effect arlate, but
hath heard hee did sollicite him to permitt him to have some of the sayd
ffrench Mariners or the sayd Master to bring him for England there to be examined/

To the third and 4th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith the sayd shipp
Madam Guardiana at her seizure was, and is a ffrench built shipp and
was then manned with ffrench men subiects of the ffrench King And saith
the sayd Peter Martyne did as aforesayd soone after the seizure of the sayd
shipp confesse and acknowledge to this deponent that the sayd shipp and all her
ladeing (except before excepted) did wholly belong to ffrench men of Marselles
subiects of the ffrench King and further to these articles hee cannot depose not
being present at any confession made upon oor by the sayd Peter Martyne before
the English Consull at Smirna nor seeing him subscribe his hand to the
schedule arlate And further hee cannot depose/

Repeated bnefore doctor Clarke and
doctor Godolphin/

Wm: Garrat:/: [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


Th esame day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation/


Jasper Devinish of the liberty of the Tower of London
Mariner Masters mate of the Affrican ffrigot aged
32 yeares or thereabouts a witnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth that the arlate
Isaac Woodgreene and Company in the months and tyme arlate in the yeares
1653 and 1654 arlate had a Commission under the Great Seale of this high Court
of Admiralty to manne and sett forth the Affrican ffrigott arlate as a
private man of warr to seize and surprize the shipps and goods of the ffrench