HCA 13/69 Silver 6 f.2r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 6 f.2r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the Sampson the said bills having all of them some of the markes arlate thereon. And saith that
the said producent was and is hee beleeveth the true and lawfull
owner and proprietor of the silver and plate laden as is arlate aboard the said three
shipps by the said three factors for his accompt, and for suh hee was and
is commonly accompted and reputed. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the third 4 and 5th articles hee saith and deposeth that aafter the lading in question
hee sawe severall bills of lading of the markes aforesaid in the hands of
the said factors at Cales which they said were for the silver laden by them
aboard the said shipps for the producents accompt, and that they would
send one of every of them to the producent over land and had left
or delivered the examplars or duplicates thereof aboard the said severall shipps to be
carried alonge in them with the said silver, and saith hee is well
acquainted with the hand writinge of the masters of the said shipps
namely of Otto George master of the Sampson, Christian
Cloppenburgh master of the Salvador, and John Martenson dorp master
of the Saint George, and of the said Otto George his Purser and
verily beleeveth the bills of lading anneded and nowe shewed unto him
and the duplicates thereof remayning in the Registrie of this Court
(which hee hath alsoe seene) to be signed with their hands, and the
contents thereof to be true and soe had and donne as therein is contained
And that the said bills annexed were and are the same soe sent over land
from Calves to the said factors to the said producent to Antwerp,
and by him brought or sent hether. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the sixth article hee saith and deposeth that this deponent seeing
the bills of lading arlate at the house of David Molenstein in Cadiz
after the signing thereof, asked him what hee meant by I.B. set therein
for an in place of the parties name for whose accompt the silver
therein mentioned was laden, and was answered by him that the said silver
was for the accompt of Mr George Boschaert of Antwerp,
(speaking of the producent) and that the said letters being he initiall
letters of his name and sirname in the dutch and Spanish tongues, were
by him the said Molenstein for therein in the stead of his name at length
to the end to conceale his name from being there taken notice of.
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the seaventh hee saith that in and for the time arlate and when the
said respective peeces of eight, barrs of silver and plate aforesaid
were laden aboard the said shipps and ever since the said Maximilian
de Hoghe David Molenstein and ffrancis de la Sierpe the laders thereof
[?were] and are his the said producents factors at Cadiz and such as
have had and have correspondance with him in the way of trade and
for such they were and are commonly accompted, which hee knoweth
living in Cadiz, and knowing that the said producent removing his
dwelling as aforesaid from Cadiz left them at Cadiz in the said
factorage and his imployment thereof. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 8th and 9th articles of the said allegation hee saith that within the space of
three monethes or thereabouts before the departure of the said shipps from
Cadiz this deponent sawe the said Maximilian da Highe sell as
many linnens and goods (with hios said [?goods] from the [?lowe] countries ) as ammounted
to 20 thousand peeces of eight at [?one] time to Alsonso da Sierra of
Cadiz and heard the said da Hoghe say that the said goods were
before the said selling the goods of the producent George Boswchaert
and received from him from fflanders, and this deponent
heard the said David Molanstein and ffrancis de la Sierpe alsoe say
that they had received many goods from the said producents from fflanders
And that they laded the silver with the effects and proceede
thereof, and other wise hee cannot depose saving the said factors all
three said that the silver laded in the said shipps bu them for the producent