HCA 13/69 Silver 6 f.17r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/69 Silver 6 |
Folio | 17 |
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Oliver Tanner | |
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2016/03/24 |
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a letter of advise and the said 3 bills of lading annexed to the Allegation from the
said producent by the hands of ffrancis Boosdourk[?] servant to the said producent;
intemating and signifyeing that the said silver and moneyes were so laden
and putt aboard [?] the accompt as aforesaid, And otherwise hee cannot
depose. Saving that hee is in [?] purswaded that the said bills of ladeing
sow showne unto him are reall and true bills of lading signed by the said
John de Nos for and about the time of the ladeing of the silver and moneyes
laden and marked as is predeposed.
To the 4th and 5th facters of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth
That after the ladeing of the silver and moneys aforesaid the said shipp
sett sayle therewith from Cadiz in Spaine towards Dunquirk or Ostend, and
in her course thitherwards was taken by some of the shippes of this
Commonwealth and brought into the River of Thames where shee now is,
And that the respective parcells of silver and money laden for the accompt
of the said producent were on board her at the time that she was seized
And otherwise saving his foregoing deposition hee saith hee cannot depose.
To the 6th hee saith, That for theise six yeares last past of this deponents
knowledge, the arlate Pinquett hath driven and att present doeth drive
and entertain a constant trade to Cadiz St Lucar and Sevill in
Spaine for Silver and moneys, and saith hee hath his ffactors and Agents
resident there, who receive his goods transmitted from fflanders and [?]
him the returne thereof in silver and moneys according to his direction
And this deponent verily beleeveth That the silver plates and moneyes
now claymed were and are the proceed of certaine goods belonging
to the said Pinquett which hee this deponent being at Cadiz in the
moneht of October 1652 save[?] in the hands of the ffactors aforesaid
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 7th hee saith That the arlate James Pinquett is a merchant of
Antwepe, inhabitant there, native of fflanders and subject of the King
of Spaine, and keepeth family at Antwerp. And for such a merchant,
inhabitant, native and subject hee is commonly accompte. And
otherwise cannot depose
To the 8th hee saith his foregoing depositions are true
To the Interries.
To the first negatively:.
To the second hee saith hee hath knowne the interrate Pinquett for theise
ten yeares, and the Interrate ffrancis de la sierpe and Peter Jansen de
Youghe for theise six yeares last past or thereabouts. And otherwise
hee cannot depose:
To the third hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, And otherwise
hee cannot depose, saving that the interrate Pinquess is [?] ffactor to or for
the interrate Peter Janson de Yonge or ffrancis de La sierpe[?] And
otherwise he cannot depose.
(To the 4th