HCA 13/69 Silver 5 f.4v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 5 f.4v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 20th of May 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of Thomas Sanchex da}
Urisa for his silver and goods in the}
Saint George. John Martenson dorp master}

Examined upon the allegation and
schedula on the behalfe of the
said claimer.



John Mexia de Herrera of Toledo
in Spaine Marchant aged 34 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that hee well knoweth the producent Thomas Sanchez da
Urisa and hath soe donne for theise thirteene yeares last past or thereabouts
And saith that in or about the moneth of October last past hee
this deponent was present at Cales in Spaine and sawe the
producent Thomas Sanchez da Urisa carry and cause to be carried
and put in a boate there three barrs of silver of the first marke
in the margin, and foure [?wedges] of silver of the same marke
and two baggs of peeces of eight of the same marke, and twenty
peeces of silver covered with Canvas of the second marke to be
carried aboard the shipp Saint George arlate to be therein laden for
Ostend, and sawe the said boate goe aboard the said shipp then lying
in the Baye of Cadiz, this deponent then standing on the shore and
advising and assisting the producent therein, which producent made
up the said 20 severall peeces of silver into Canvas in severall bundles at this deponents
lodging in Cales and in this deponents sight and presence, which having
donne hee carried the same to the place where the barrs were and
fetched them alsoe and soe went and put them into the boate and
carried them aboard as aforesaid, and after the said producent had bin
aboard therewith hee came ashore and acquainted this deponent with
his said lading thereof aboard the said shipp and showed this deponent
the masters receipt for the same, and when the said silver was soe
carrying to be laden, his contest John da Lossa Barona was standing
with this deponent on the shore, and alsoe acquainted with the said
matter, And Anthony Stephen da Balderas went alonge with the
said producent and some others in the boate aboard with the said
silver. And saith the said Thomas Sanchez de Urisa was
and is the true lawfull and sole owner of the said silver
and laded the same for his owne accompt, and that none other
hath any interest therein, which hee knoweth for that hee this
examinate was acquainted with his gaining and getting thereof in
the West Indies by way of traffique and merchandize and came
thence in his company, and sawe him carry two baggs and the rest of [?XXX] from Lima
[?or] Panama and thense to Porto bello and tooke notice of the
markes of the same, and from Porto bello this deponent came
in the same fleete with him the said producent for Spania, and
sawe him lade the same at Porto bello aboard the Admirall of
the Gallion wherein hee came passenger, and after the arivall
of the said fleete at
Nova Cartagena where the same touched in their passage for
Spaine, the said producent did there cast and make the smallest
of the said three bagges of certaine of the peeces of eight brought alonge with him
of this deponents knowledge. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
[?saving] this deponent afterwards imbarques himselfe in the said shipp [?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]

To the second hee saith that the bill of lading annexed was and is
an originall bill for the silver therein mentioned and predeposed
and hee is well acquainted (as hee saith) with the firme of the said
Captaine Martenson dorp and beleeveth the same to be signed with his
hand, and saith the contents thereof were and are true, And otherwise
hee cannot depose.