HCA 13/69 Silver 4 f.15r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 4 f.15r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first second and third Article sof the sayd Allegation this deponent saith
and deposeth that being att Cadiz in Spaine in the monethes of September
and October 1652, he saw in that tyme videlicet about the 6 day of September
att the lodging of his precontest Lorenzo da Veles att Cadiz and his possession
there one large barr of sylver of the first marke in the margent
being the barr of sylver arlate weighing one hundred and odd markes
or thereabouts which sayd barr he then told this deponent was the sylver of the
arlate Pedro and Andreas Annakaert merchants of Antwerpe, and saith
he saw him the sayd Lorenzo da Veles deliver the sayd barr of sylver to Peter
Janson Clump a Barkier of Cadiz and gave him in the hearing of this deponent
exprese order to lade the same aboard the shipp Sampson arlate for the accompt of the
sayd Pedro and Andreas Annakach to be consigned to him the sayd Lorenzo da
Veles and to him to be delivered att Ostend; And saith that afterwards videlicet upon
or about the ninth day of September 1652 he this deponent went aboard the
arlate shipp Sampson Otto George master, and then and there heard the Purser
of the sayd shipp Sampson Pedro da Campo acknowledge that the sayd Peter
Jansen Clomp had laden the sayd barr of sylver, and accordingly he the sayd
Purser in the presence and sight of this deponent signed three bills of lading
all of one tenor for the sayd barr of sylver to be delivered att Ostend to the sayd
Lorenzo de Veles for the Accompt aforesayd one of which bills of lading was left
with him the sayd Purser and was as this deponent beleiveth aboard the sayd shipp
att the tyme of seizure. And further saith that he this deponent in the beginning
of the month of October saw in the hands of the sayd Lorenzo da veles att Cadiz
two bills of lading both of one tenor ehereby it did appeare that the arlate
Clumpe or pinah of sylver and two barretons of sylver of the second marke
in the margent were about the latter end of September 1652 laden aboard
the sayd shipp the Sampson in the Bay of Cadiz for the accompt and Risgo of
the arlate Joanna Vanden Bergne the widdow of Cornelius Basseliers
of Antwerpe. to be delivered att Ostend to the sayd Lorenzo da [?XXles]. which
sayd Clump or Pina and two barretons of sylver weighing together about
four score markes this deponent saw Jaques Basseliers the sonne of the
sayd Joane Vanden Bergne possest of att his howse in Cadiz and saw him
towards the latter end of September aforesayd deliver the same to the arlate
Lorenzo Veles giveing him directions to lade the same aboard Otto George
aforesayd for the Accompt and Risko of his sayd mother to be consigned to him the
sayd Lorenzo [?denles] att Osetnd, which the sayd Lorenzo then undertooke to doe
and afterwards did performe as by the sayd bills of lading for the same signed
Ottavio George but firmed by the Purser Pedro da Campo whose handwriting
and signature this deponent is well acquainted with, did to this deponent
afterwards videlicet in October 1652 as aforesayd evidently appeare. And he further
saith that about the middle of September this deponent being aboard
the sayd shipp Sampson att Cadiz then and there saw the arlate Lorenzo daveles
lade aboard the sayd shipp eight serons or skinnes of Cochineale sylvester
of the third marke in the margent for the accompt and Riske of the arlate
ffrancisco da Cairodge to be transported from Cadiz to Ostend and there to be
delivered to the sayd Lorenzo daveles for the use of him the sayd Carodge. ffor
which reasons this deponent saith he knoweth and firmly beleiveth that in the [?XX]
sayd monthes of September and October the sayd Peter and Andrew Annakach
Joanna Vanden Bergne, and ffrancisco da Cairodge were and now are the true
and lawfull Owners of the sayd sylver by them now respectively claymed. And
further he cannot depose.

To the fowrth he saith that having well veiwed and considered the [?three] bills of
lading to the allegation annexed he firmly beleiveth that they arethree of
the orginall bills of lading signed for the sayd sylver by Pedro da Campo
Purser of the Sampson arlate the character and manner of whose writing he