HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.3v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.3v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


beleive and is in his conscience certainly perswaded that noe subiect
of the arlate States of the United Provinces nor any other []
persons what soever, but only the sayd producent had any [title] []
or Interest in or to the same. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the sixth he saith that the sayd Lewis ffernandez Angell is a Spania[rd]
and of this deponents knowledge hath for this fourteene [years?][]
last past bene an Inhabitant of Caracas in the West Indies and a
subiect of the King of Spaine, and so commonly accounted and taken[.]
And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the seventh he referrs himselfe to his depositions [which?]he saith are tr[ue?]
and further he cannot depose.

To the [Drosse] Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first negatively.

To the second he saith as formerly he hath deposeth, that he hath know[ne]
the Interrate Lewis ffernandez who he saith is a Spaniard, to be an
Inhabitant att Caracas in the West Indies for these fourteene year[s]
now last past.

To the third he saith that the sylver Interrate was laden aboard the sh[ipp]
Sampson in the bay of Caddiz about the latter end of July. 1652
this deponent being aboard the Sampson where the sayd Lewis ffer[nandez]
brought it aboard one Don Antonio de Ponte being then in the[]
Companie. And further he cannot depose.

To the fourth he saith that the sayd Lewis ffernandez himselfe La[ded}
the sayd sylver in the day tyme, and the Purser of the sayd ship[p]
the Sampson receyved it of him. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the fifth he saith and deposeth that he this deponent was abo[ard]
the Sampson and saw Pedro de Campo Purser of the shipp firme
Bills of lading interrogat in September last past aboard [the]
sayd shipp then riding att an anchor in the sayd Bay of Caddize. [And]
further he cannot depose.

To the sixth he saith that he verily beleiveth that the bill of ladi[ing]
interrogat and the contents thereof were and are true and rea[l]
and not fictitious, And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the seventh he saith that he this deponent saw the sayd purser who
receyved the sylver interrate give a Receipt for the same to the
producent. And beleiveth that he likewise made an entry there
in his booke to the effect interrate, but cannot depose any thing [or]
knowledge therein. And further he cannot depose.

To the eighth he saith that he knoweth that the sylver Interrate was
by the sayd Lewis ffernandez ineuconed[?] in the bills interrate. and
to this Interrogatory he knoweth not to depose.

To the nynth he saith he cannot depose.

To the tenth he saith that the sylver interrate as is predeposed [doth?]
really and truly belong to the producent. And otherwise to the
Interrogatorie he cannot depose.

To the eleventh he saith that the producent who laded the sayd sy[lver]
did tell and acquaint this deponent that he laded the sayd sy[lver]
for his owne Accompt and att his owne perill and adventure.
And further he cannot depose.
