HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.32v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/69 Silver 1 |
Folio | 32 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_118_07_2611.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/08/26 |
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To the 14:th hee saith, That in the yeare 1651. last past the Interrate James Pinq[?uett]
did in the moneth of November of and in the said yeare send one tunne of fflemish
yarne marjed No. I.P.3. by one Peter de Keyser Master of, and aboard the shipp the
Keyser of Ostend to David Clinquert aforesaid then being at Sevill in Spaine, and saith the
two baggs of Ryalls of eight now Claymed were and are the proceed of the said Tunne of
yarne, Hee further saith That in the moneth of October 1652. the said James [?Pinquett]
did send unto his ffactor Peter Jansen de Yonghe one packett of Antwerpe
lace marked No. I.P.8. by one Hendrick Garfel Master of a shipp of Ostend
to Cadiz for which the seaventeen barrestons of silver are returned of the worth
thereof. And otherwise hee cannot depose./
To the 15:th negatively, saying hee this deponent was at Antwerpe at the time of the
ladeing of the silver and moneys predeposed.
To the 16:th hee saith, hee this deponent is an Antwerpen by birth and usuall
habitation, and hath no part or interest in the silver and moneys now Claymed [?nor]
any insurance or otherwise, neither doth hee expect any benefitt by the restitution of the
said silver, And otherwise deposeth not, saving that hee is a domestique servant to the
said Pinquett in the quality as is predeposed:-/
To the 17:th hee saith, hee cannot depose, saving hee knoweth not of any goods laded
aboard the shipp interrate upon her outward Voyage for the accompt of the said Pinquerr
To the 18:th hee cannot depose: saving his foregoing deposition to which he referreth/:-
To the 19:th negatively:-/
To the 20.th hee saith there is no Insurance made upon the plate and moneys interrate
nor upon any part thereof. And otherwise deposeth not:-/
To the 21.th hee this deponent saith, hee beleeeveth that according to the usuall Custome
the Interrrate Michael van Lubkin did signe two bills of ladeing of the same tenor
respectively which each of the two bills of lading annexed to the Allegation, and beleeveth that two of
the sayd bills are remaineing in the Registry of this Court, and two by the ffactors [?XX]
deposed. And otherwise hee cannot depose:-/
To the 22.th hee saith, That hee this deponent having at Antwerp seene and diligently
and often perused the bills of lading interrate, and having often severall times seene and
being very well acquainted with the handwriting wherewith the said bills are filled up
and firmed, hee very well knoweth that the said bills of lading now shewed were and
are the same two bills of lading which by the ffactors predeposed they the
said bills were firmed by the interrate Michael van Lubkin. And otherwise hee
cannot depose./
To the 23th hee saith, the said bills of ladeing were sent in a letter by the Post
or passage boat from Antwerp to Mr Stanier a Merchant at London as
predeposed and never were in Holland Zealand or West ffreezland interrate
And otherwise cannot depose:/
(To the 24th