HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.2v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.2v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the eighteenth he saith and deposeth that he knoweth that the bill
of ladeing interrogat is one of the three bills signed by the Purser
Pedro da Campo as he hath predeposed, and he knoweth the same to [?be]
so by the Contents thereof. and the markes and figures in the
margent and by the sayd Pursers name att the foot thereof
which this Rendent saw himw write with his owne hand. And otherwise
he cannot depose.

To the nyneteenth he saith that the sayd Lewis ffernandez Angelll in his
owne person brought the bill of lading interrate from Cadiz aboard the
sayd shipp Sampson, and himselfe in person here att London delivered
the same to the Proctor, this deponent being privy to and knowing the
same. And further cannot depose.

To the twentyeth he saith that the sayd ffernandez Angell was aboard the
Sampson when she was seized by the shippes Interrogat. And further
he cannot depose.

To the one and twentyeth he saith that the sayd Lewis ffernandez Angell
receyved from the sayd Pedro da Campo three bills of lading of one
tenor, and the same were disposed of as in his this deponents
deposition or answer to the seventeenth Interrogatory aforegoeing
sett forth and declared, which he saith is true. And otherwise deposeth not.

To the two and twentyeth he saith that the sylver was brought [?from]
the West Indies to Cadiz interrate in the shipp the Saint John Baptist
whereof was Captaine one John Sericho. and otherwise referring himselfe
to his former depositions to this Interrogatory he cannot depose.

To the three and twentyeth he saith that he knoweth not of any
sylver or other goods delivered out of the Sampson after the lading
of the sylver claymed, and otherwise saving his former depositions
he cannot depose.

To the four and twentyeth he saith that he this Rendent never saw in
England any other bill of lading for the sylver interrate besides the
sayd bill annexed to the allegation aforesayd, and he beleiveth that the
same was never delivered back to the Interrate Otto George or his [?purser]
And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the five and twentyeth he sayth that the sayd sylver was laden aboard
under Commaund of the ffort att Caddiz. and not upon the open seas [?and]
there was not any Cocquett for the same nor is it usuall in such case to
take any Cocquetts. And otherwise he cannot depose.

Don Antonio de[Ponte]
guzman y Cast[?ill] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Roger Kilvert} [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]
Sam Delaplace} [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]

Repeated before Doctor Exton


The 25th day of May .1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd Allegation.


Thomas John of Caddiz in Spayne
aged forty yeares or thereabouts a witness
sworne and examined.

To the first Article of the sayd Allegation this deponent saith and deposeth
that he hath knowne the arlate Lewis fferenandez Angell for the space of
theis fourteene yeares now last past; and that he hath inhabited at [?XXXX]
in the West Indies. And saith that in the monethes of September