HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.1r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/69 Silver 1 |
Folio | 1 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 20/08/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_118_07_2547.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/08/20 | |
Editorial history | |
Edited on 18/10/2015 by Oliver Tanner |
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Silver .1.
The 24th day of May 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of Lewis ffernandez Angell}
for thirteene barrs of sylver in the shipp}
the Sampson whereof Otto George is}
Captaine taken by some of the}
Parliaments shipps. Smith.}
Examined upon an Allegation given
in on behalfe of the sayd Claymers.
Antonio da Ponte of Garachicho in the
Island of Teneriffa merchant aged thirty
yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and
To the first Article of the sayd Allegation he saith and deposeth, That he
this deponent hath knowne the arlate Lewis ffernandez Angell for theis
eight yeares last past, and saith that in the monthes of May June and July 1652 and in the tyme arlate the sayd Lewis
ffernandez Angell was and still continues the lawfull Owner and
proprietor of thirteen barrs of plate of sylver arlate the markes
whereof he saith are as followeth that is to say seven of the sayd
barrs marked with the first marke in the margent. and
five of the sayd barrs marked with the second marke in the
margent. and one of the sayd barrs of the third marke in the
margent; and for such a lawfull owner of the sayd barrs is and
hath bene during the tyme arlate reputed and accompted. And that
he is in deed and truth the true Owner thereof this deponent doth know
and is well assured, for that he knoweth that he the sayd Lewis
ffernandez Angell bought them at the Havana in the West Indies with
the proceed of other merchandises. And further
saith that having bought them att the Havana as aforesayd he there laded and
imbarqued them in the shipp the Saint John Baptist whereof John [?Serishe]
was Captaine and Masterm in which shipp the arlate ffernandez and this
deponent came and arrived att the Bay of Cadiz, the sayd ffernandez being for and during
the sayd tyme and voyage in the quiet possession of the sayd sylver. And
otherwise he cannot depose.
To the second he saith and deposeth. that the sayd shipp the Saint John Baptist being
safely arrived att Cadiz as aforesayd about the beginning of July 1652. the
sayd ffernandez Angell with the assistance of this deponent about
nyne dayes after their such Arrivall att Caddiz tooke the arlate barrs of
sylver marked as is above deposed out of the sayd shipp the Saint John Baptist
and laded the same aboard the arlate shipp the Sampson whereof the arlate
Otto George was Captaine or Commannder, and upon the deliverey thereof aboard
tooke notes of the same of and from the Purser of the sayd shipp the Sampson
and in September following tooke bills of ladeing for the same from the sayd Purser
and the same was so laden, for the use and accompt of the sayd Lewis
ffernandez Angell, and was to be transported to Ostend in
fflanders, and there to be delivered to the sayd Lewis ffernandez Angell
for his owne Accompt, All which he this deponent well knoweth in
that he was assistant in and att the lading of the sayd barrs of sylver
saw the notes aforesayd and sayd bills of ladeing given for the same by the
sayd Purser, and came along in Companie with the sayd Lewis
ffernandez Angell in the shipp the Sampson allegate. And
otherwise he cannot depose.