HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.13v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.13v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 28th day of May 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd Allegation


Roderigo Alonzo of Cadize in Spayne
merchant aged three and thirty yeares or
thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined.

To the first and second Articles of the sayd Allegation, This deponent saith and
deposeth. That the arlate don Antonio da Ponte in the monthes of May June
July August September October and November 1652. was and att this
present is the true and lawfull Owner and Proprietor of the arlate six barrs
of sylver marked as in the margent that is to say two of the first
and four of the second marke, and for lawfull Owner of the same
was and is commonly accounted. And further saith that he this deponent
being att the West Indies in the sayd moneth of May 1652 there [?saw]
the arlate Don Antonio buy the same att the Havana, and afterwards
for his owne Accompt to embarque the same upon the Saint Juan Baptista
Juan Sericho Master to be transported to Cadize arlate, whither the
sayd shipp the Saint John Baptista with the sayd sylver aboard safely
arrived, the producent being there in quiet possession thereof, towards
the latter end of July. And further saith that this deponent [?hath]
come from Havana aforsayd in another shipp of the Spanish plate [?ffleet]
saw the producent a few dayes after carry and take the [?arlate]
barrs of sylver marked as aforesayd from the Saint Juan Baptista
aboard the shipp Sampson arlate this deponent being then aboard
saw and tooke notice that the sayd producent laded the same for [?his]
owne Accompt to be transported to Oostend, and there to be deliverd [?to]
the sayd producent for his owne Accompt. And otherwise [?this]
deponent cannot depose, saving that the producent and this [?deponent]
came together with the sylver arlate from Cadize in this voyage
aboard the sayd shipp Sampson Otto George Master, and continued
constantly aboard from their first embarquing to the tyme of [?the] [?seizure]

To the third and fourth Articles this deponent saith that att the tyme [?of the]
lading of the sayd barrs of sylver, the arlate Pedro de Campo videlicet
was the Purser of the sayd shipp Sampson, and the sayd Pedro aboard [?the]
sayd shipp in the precontest and sight of this deponent, (his this deponent
preconteste Lorenso de Veles and Pasquall Andrada being then likwewise []
signed three bills of ladeing all of one tenor, whereof the bill of []
to the sayd allegation annexed which he hath now seene and perused is a []
And the Contents thereof are true and were so had and [?doone] as [?in] [?]
is expressed. And saith that [?he] [?perfectly] reemembreth that the sayd [?bills]
all of them signed not long after the beginning of September []
on or about the very day in the bill annexed menioned as he [?beleiveth].
And further saith that afterwards the arlate shipp the Sampson
the sayd six barrs of sylver being aboard, and this deponent a passenger
departed from the bay of Cadize towards Oostend, and [?in] her [?Ca]
thither after her arrivall in the Downes was taken and seized [?by]
a Man of Warre of this Commonwealth, and by meanes of the [?sayd]
seizure the sylver arlate came into the possession of the Captaine [?th]
so tooke the Sampson, this deponent being then aboard, and having
continued from the tyme of his first embarquing att Cadize as [?]
predeposed. And otherwise he cannot depose.



Roderigo Alonzo
Antonio da Ponte
Juan Sericho
Otto George
Pedro de Campo
Lonrenso de Veles

Pasquall Andrada





Saint Juan Baptista