HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.12v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.12v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second he saith that about ten or twelve dayes after the arrival
of the shipp St Juan Baptista att Cadize, the sayd arrivall happening [?neer]
about the latter end of July 1652. he this deponent saw the producent
Lade aboard the Sampson arlate Otto George Master the aforesayd six
barrs of sylver which he had bought att Havana as aforsayd. And saith
that this deponent being then aboard the Sampson knoweth that he laded the[m]
for his owne Accompt to be transported to Oostend and then to be delivered
to him the producent for his owne Accompt, and accordingly the Purser
of the sayd shipp gave and delivered to the sayd producent note of [?]
for the same with the Markes and numbers that according to the sayd note
and markes bills of ladeing might be prepared. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the third and fourth he saith that he] hath credibly heard the [?effect]
the sayd Articles to be true, and otherwise he knoweth not to depose.

To the fifth he saith that the arlate Antonio de Ponte was and is a Spa[niard]
and a subiect of the King of Spaine, and was bourne as this deponent
hath credibly heard and beleiveth att Garachicho in Teneriffe, and
for many years traded in Spaine and the Indies, and for a merchant
using such trade is commonly knowne and reputed. And otherwise he cannot

To the sixth he saith and deposeth that the six barrs of sylver by him [?this]
deponent predeposed, being the barrs now claymed as he beleiveth [?]
laden aboard the sayd shipp the Sampson upon the proper Accompt [?and]
att the perill and adventure of the sayd producent, and to him shu[?]
and would have bene delivered att Ostend whither the Sampson [?was]
bound in case she had safely arrived there. this deponent having
[?seeme] the same bought att Havana aforesayd, Laden aboard the St Juan
Baptista for Cadize, and att Cadize aboard the Sampson for Oostend
By the sayd producent and for his owne and onely Accopt as he [?hath]
predeposed. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the seventh he referreth himselfe to his depositions which he saith [are]
true and further he cannot depose.

To the [?Droste] Interrogatories.

To the first negatively, to every part thereof.

To the Second he saith that the Interrogat Don Antonio is a Spaniard
and by common report was borne att Garachicho aforesayd and there hath
family. but this deponent hath been acquainted with him onely for
about thirteen moneths last past.

To the third he saith and deposeth that the Interrate Antonio de Ponte [?hath]
with him his servant Pasquall Andrada, about ten or twelve dayes [?]
the arrivall of the West India ffleet att Cadize which was toward the
latter end of July last (this deponent being then likewise present
and allso his Contest in this cause Roderigo Alonzo)laded the [?six]
barrs of sylver by this deponent formerly deposed of aboard the Sampson and they
were laden for the onely Accompt of the producent. And otherwise he
cannot depose.

To the fourth he saith that the sayd barrs were laden in the day tyme by [?the]
sayd Don Antonio de Ponte a Spaniard of Teneriffe, And was [?reary]
aboard by the Purser of the Sampson whose person this deponent [?nea]
but not his name. And otherwise he cannot depose.



Otto George
Antonio de Ponte
Pasquall Andrada

Roderigo Alonzo





St Juan Baptista