HCA 13/69 Silver 15 f.15v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 15 f.15v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


then lyeing at or neare Cadiz in Spaine, two baggs of the marke in the
margent each of them containing two hundred and ffiftie pieces of eight


to be transported in the said shipp from theure to Dunkerke in fflander
and there to be delivered unto the said producent or his Correspondent there
for the proper use and accompt of the said producent, and of no other person
whatsoever. Which hee knoweth being at aforesaid Cashier and
Bookekeeper to the said producent and well acquainted with his whole Commerce
and trade, nd particularly shortly after the ladeing of the said two baggs of silver
this deponent saw and perused a letter and bill of lading and a bill of [?farcoly] now shown [??] sent over land to the
said producent by his said ffactors intimating and expressing that hee had
laden the said two baggs of peeces of eight or [?pacacons] for his the said
producents accompt and adventure aboard the said shipp designed and consigned
as aforesaid, And saith That the said bill of lading so sent as aforesaid
was and is one of the originiall bills of lading signed and firmed by the said
Master at or neare Cadiz before the departure of the said shipp from theure
towards fflander as this deponent for the reason predeposed is fully Convinced, and
for that the same was filled up with the usuall handwriting of the said
ffactors which this deponent by severall yeares Correspondency is perfectly well
acquainted withall, and for that this deponent in the Registry of this Court
hath seene and perused the duplicate thereof, which punctually agreeth with the
said bill of lading. And saith hee hath Credibly been informed, That the
said shipp with the said peeces of eight aboard her in her Course from
Cadiz towards Dunquirke was mett withall surprized and taken by some
of the shipps of this Commonwealth, and were and are brought up to
London, where the said silver was unladen, and is as hee beleeveth now
remaining in the Custody of some of the Officers of the Commonwealth.
And further cannot depose.

To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true.

To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first negatively.

To the second hee saith, hee hath knowne and served the said Edward
Peters for about 6 yeares last past, and the said Gerard Ryper for about
4 yeares by letters of Correspondency. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the third hee saith hee was not at Cadiz at the lading of the [?Pacacons]
interrate, And further cannot depose.

To the 4th hee saith, the interrate Edward Peters is an Antwerper borne
and hath lived there in the Kipdorp streete with his family for all the time [?]
this deponents knowledge of him, and lived formely for severall yeares att
Dover in England, and the said Gerardt Ryper is also an Antwerper [who]
hath lived for about 4 yeares at Cadiz of this deponents knowledge of him by
Correspondencie as aforesaid, and is there married.

To the 5. and 6th hee saith hee was not present at the signing of the



Edward Peters, an Antwerper borne, hath lived there in the Kipdorp streete with his family, and lived formely for severall yeares att Dover in England

Gerard Ryper, n Antwerper [who] hath lived for about 4 yeares at Cadiz, and is there married


Dunkerke / Dunquirke



Silver - pieces of eight : "two baggs of the marke in the margent each of them containing two hundred and ffiftie pieces of eight"