HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.6v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.6v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 26th he saith the foresayd William Corneliz did acquaint this Rendent that he
had sent the sayd letter and bill of lading therein from Cadiz to Antwerpe
before this Rendent came from Cadiz. but saith he did not see the
sayd letter nor the [?XXXXXe] interrate. And otherwise cannot depose.

Lorenço develes [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]



The 12th day of december .1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of Symon da ffonseca Pyna}
merchant of Madrid for his moneyes}
plate and sylver in the shipp the Saint George}
whereof John Martins is Captaine taken}
by some of the Parliaments shipps.
Smith. Budd.}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd Claymer.

Sgr. Mendez dt:

Lorenzo de Veles of dunkirke
in fflanders merchant aged 38 yeares
or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined
deposeth and saith as followeth. videlicet.

To the 1. 2. 3. 4 and fifth articles of the sayd allegation and the bill of lading thereto
annexed and now shewne him, This deponent saith That in th emonethes
of August September October November december January february
and March 1652. the arlate Symon da ffonseca Pyna was and
att this present is and ought to be the true and lawfull Owner and Proprietor
of six small barratons of sylver of the marke in the margent and
weighing one hundred fifty five markes .5. ounces or thereabouts. and of one bagg
number .9. conteyning three thousand two hundred Ryalls. therein
more or lesse. the premisses this deponent knoweth for that he saw the
sayd sylver and moneyes in the howse and possession of the Producents
ffactor William Cornelison att Cadiz before the lading thereof and
then and there heard him say and declare that the same was the sylver
and moneyes of the sayd Symon ffonseca Pyna of Madrid. And saith
that about the 19th day of August 1652 the sayd William Cornelison
accompanied with this deponent did carry the sayd sylver and money
aboard and in the presence and sight of this deponent did lade the same
aboard the sayd shipp the Saint George whereof John Martins is Captaine
for the accompt of the sayd Symon da ffonseca Pyna to be transported
from Cadiz to Ostend and there delivered to the arlate John Alvarez
or in his absence to the widow and heyres of Symon dias vas for the
accompt of the sayd producent, And that att the same tyme and aboard the
sayd shipp in the bay of Cadiz he this deponent saw the sayd John Martins
signe three bills of lading all of one tenor fore the sayd sylver and
moneyes, and that one of them was then left with the sayd John Martins
to come along with the sayd moneyes and sylver, and this deponent
hath since seene the same in the Registry of this Court, And further
that the bill of lading or schedule to the sayd allegation annexed and now
shewne him was and is one of the sayd bills of lading signed in this
deponents presence and sight as aforesaid, and was and is signed by and
with the proper handwriting of the sayd John Martins and the [?XXX]
of the same were and are true. And saith that as he hath credibly
heard the same was sent from Cadiz by Land to the sayd John Alvarez
att Antwerpe, and was by him sent from thenve to Senor Henrique
Mendez a merchant here residing in order to makethe clayme
in this case, this deponent having seene the same in the hands of the
sayd Sennor Mendez before the sayd Clayme was made in this
Court. And otherwise cannot depose./
