HCA 13/69 Silver 0 IMG 118 07 2521 Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 0 f.8r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and hath soe done by the space of these sixteene yeares last past and
upwards dureing all which tyme hee hath lived in Bruges in fflanders
from whence hee hath dureing the said tyme driven a great trade to
Mallaga Cadiz and other Parts of Spania where hee hath factors
and correspondents resident for that purpose. And for and as a merchant soe
dealeing and tradeing and a Subiect of the King of Spania and the true and
lawfull Owner and Proprietor of all the Plate and silver now claymed in
this cause hee the said producent was and is comonly accompted
reputed and taken And saith that in or about the moneth of Aprill
last past there was at Cadiz laden on board the said ship Saint John Evangelist
whereof this deponent was and is Commander the number of three hundred
peeces of eight in one bag marked with the first marke and the number of
750 peeces of eight mexico and Sevell marked with the second marke in the
Margent to bee from Cadiz transported in the said ship to
Dunquirke or Ostend where the same were consigned to bee delivered to
the said Peter Lams or his assignes for his use and propper accompt
which hee knoweth to bee true hee this deponent at the tyme of the said ladeing
of the said two bags of plate on bord the said ship being Commander thereof and
appoynted his contest and purser Antonio Coppens to receave the same which hee
did and thereupon this deponent signed bills for the same accordingly as laden
for the propper Riscoe Adventure and accompt of the said Peter Lams. And
further cannot depose./.

To the 4th 5th and 6th articles of the said Allegation and to the schedule or bill
of ladeing annexed and now shewed unto him hee saith and deposeth
That soone after the ladeing of the saod respective parcells of Plate on bord
the said shippe hee this deponent did signe three bills of ladeing of one
Tenor and date for the said 300 peeces of eight Mexico and
Sevill and 3 more bills of ladeing of one Tenor and date for the said bag
conteyneing 750 peeces of eight of the second marke aforesaid; one of each
of which said bills the factors who laded the said moneyes left with this
deponent to bring along with him and the other two of each of which hee caryed
away and kept with him, which done hee saith the said ship sett saile with the said Plate
and moneys abord her from Cadiz for Ostend or Dunquirke and in her course
thitherwards was mett with and taken by some of the ships of this Common wealth
at which tyme the said moneyes now claymed were under the markes predeposed
on bord the said shipp and which the said two bills of ladeing which were soe delivered
to this deponent) came to the hands and possession of the takers thereof. And
saith further that the bills of ladeing annexed and now showed unto him
were and are two of the said orginall bills of ladeing which this deponent
signed as aforesaid at Cadiz upon the ladeing of the said plate thereupon
the contents whereof were and are true and done as
therein is conteyned to which for further proofe herein hee referreth himselfe
And further cannot depose. saveing that since this deponent
soe signed the said bills of ladeing, those now annexed have bin (as hee
beleeveth sent overland from Spaine to fflanders and from thence are by
the producent sent hither to the arlate Mr James Stanier Merchant of this
Citty of London with orders (which this deponent hath seene) to clayme the
same silver for the accompt of him the said Peter Lams. And further cannot depose.